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"Hellooooo? Earth to Kiriko?" I blinked instinctually as Astushi waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Sorry," i muttered into the dense air. My mind had been in a fog all morning. I haven't even managed to type a single word for my report. In the whole 3 hours I've been at work, all i managed to write was.. well.. nothing.

"Does this have anything to do with that guest yesterday?" His smile was kind as always. He shuffled on his feet as he stood next to my desk.

I took a minute to adjust my skirt. "You mean Irom? No he's," My teeth ground against each other. "Thats my boyfriend. Sorry about the invasion. He hasn't been to my apartment before," I offered my best confident look. Too much was riding on me being able to pull this off. If the Agency knew what i did - If Dazai knew what I did; I'd lose everything. My job. My home. My friends.

"Dont you think that's a bit odd?" His brow arched. Fuck. Could he tell?

"What do you mean?" I thanked whatever god there was that my voice didnt shake.

"I mean, having your boyfriend over when you still live with Dazai," he pulled a chair up, taking a seat next to me.

I let out a breath I didnt even know i was holding. "Oh. Yeah i guess so, but he's hardly ever even home anyways," i shrugged.

Atsushi nodded. "Okay well. I dont know what's bothering you. I can tell you're hiding something, but i think i have the perfect distraction!" He pointed his finger towards the ceiling.

My chair squeaked in protest as i turned to face him. "Oh really?" I mused with a smirk.

He nodded again. "Remember that day the train flew off course?"

of course I remembered. I didnt tell Atsushi about what happened in the water, and thankfully I think Dazai kept it to himself as well. As far as he knew, we just crawled right out of the river. I would let it stay that way, too. It would likely hurt him if he knew I didnt even try and survive it.

"Mhmm," I hummed.

"You touched me without activating your ability, and i think i know how," his smile was from ear to ear.

I perked up at the idea. My back straightened out and my head popped up. "Really?"

"Your hands were buried in your sleeves that day, meaning they didnt touch me. I think its only your bare hands that activate it," he theorized.

Come to think of it, he was right. My clothes were drenched and that stretched them out. "Well, we cant exactly test it," I gave a half smile. i loved his enthusiasm, but it wasnt worth the risk.

"Sure we can!" He shook his head, jumping to his feet.

I raised a brow but followed him anyways. We left my small little desk area, and i suddenly felt like an idiot when we approached Dazai who was lazily lounging on the couch.

Of course. He can nullify any ability. If we had him there to stop it if anything went wrong, it wouldnt be a danger.

"Dazaiiiiii," Atsushi called. He waved his hand in front of the brunettes face, trying to get his attention.

The bandaged moron had his eyes closed with a headset over his ears. He bobbed his head to a song we couldn't hear, completely oblivious to the world around him. Atsushi glanced at me.

"What?" I returned his look of confusion.

He gestured to Dazais dancing figure.

"What do you want me to do?" I flipped my palms upward in question.

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now