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I approached the gates with a rush of anxiety. When I paid my for my entry, my hands trembled as they stamped my wrist. I knew my gloves would protect them from my touch, but it was still a big adjustment.

The sun was beginning to set, and it gave a peaceful atmosphere to the surrounding crowds.

Children were running around with sparklers and various toys from the nearby stands. The parents were eating the novelty foods and watching the stars peak out from the dark. I could hear the strollers as they rolled by, cradling innocent toddlers in their baskets. The chattering. The smells of mixed snacks. It was the most lively form of humanity that I had seen in a long time.

"There you are!" Atsushi stepped to me, with Kyōka still glued to his side.

"You look really pretty," she complimented with a small but sweet voice.

I felt my cheeks flush and I smiled at her. "Thank you. So do you," I returned the sentiment. She wore the same thing she had on earlier, and so did Atsushi, but it didn't really matter either way.

"The fireworks will start soon," he looked to the sky that was now covered with shades of deepened blue. "We should meet up with the rest of the group"

I followed his lead, weaving through groups of people. He brought us to an open field that bordered a beautiful lake. On a blanket near the water, I could see most of the Agency members all sitting with various beverages and food items.

They all wore some sort of clothing that bordered casual but fancy. Yosano was on her own. Kunikida was next to Ranpo and a white haired man. Naomi and Junichiro were literally cuddling off to the side. Kenji was toying with his straw hat, closest to the water. Where was Dazai though?

"It's nice to finally see you in person," the white haired man stood up. He was terrifyingly tall, but he still held a welcoming aura. His icy blue eyes matched my own as he towered over me. "I'm president Fukuzawa," he held his hand out to me.

I hesitantly took it, shaking it with as much strength as I could. "It's nice to finally meet you," I breathed out anxiously. This was the president?

He studied me, still hanging onto my hand even after we stopped shaking. I watched his eyes scan every feature of my face, stopping at my eyes. Something about him seemed.. familiar. Like I had known him my entire life. Although he was intimidating at first, i was quick to find a sense of belonging under his gaze.

He cleared his throat, turning to take back his spot on the large checkered blanket. My stomach growled as I watched the others indulge in their snacks, and Atsushi seemed to have heard it even with all the chatter.

"You should get some food," he commented.

"Yeah. I'll be right back," I agreed and turned on my toes.

I speed walked past all the crowds of people. I didn't want to miss the fireworks, but sustenance came first. It was one of the many drawbacks of being a living, human being.

In my rush to get this out of the way, I bumped into someone's hard shoulder. "Sorry!" I went to apologize, but my jaw locked in its place.

"It's you," Irom muttered.

I diverted my gaze and tried to maneuver around him, but he coiled his fingers around my upper arm. I hissed at the pressure, and my tender flesh protested as he drug me through the crowds.

"Let go of me!" I demanded. He didn't care.

He drug me onwards until we were out of sight from most onlookers. There was a bridge that held itself over the lake, and he slammed me against the base of it where the concrete met the soil.

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now