We Have a Problem

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Blunt force trauma to the side of my cheek startled me from my deep slumber. Naturally, my first instinct was to swing.

"Ow! what the fuck Kiriko!" I heard Dazai grumble.

My eyes shot open and I quickly launched up into a sitting position. My knuckles stung and from the look on his face, I'm guessing his cheek did too.

"You hit me first!" I complained. I did feel bad, but I was still a bit mad from getting smacked.

"What are you talking about? I was sleeping," he rubbed his palm to his now swollen face.

I raised a brow, and that was when I noticed it. The sound of something creaking above me. I craned my head up and could vaguely see, with only the moonlight to guide me, part of the ceiling panel crumbling to bits. In my lap, was a small piece of wood that had fallen.

"Oops," I said, picking up the debris from my lap.

"I don't like pain, you know," Dazai continued to complain.

"Who cares! Do you see our ceiling right now?" I flailed, which backfired terribly. I ended up smacking him once more with the back of my hand.

Immediately, I covered my mouth with a loud gasp. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

I quickly leaned over him, and his hands shot out defensively. "Oh nonono. You stay over there, you rabid banshee"

My face fell flat and I blinked a few times, utterly confused. My hair was cascading over my shoulders, pooling onto his chest as I hovered above him.

His eyes locked onto the raven strands, bringing his fingers up to feel the new curtain that surrounded him. "So soft," he commented.

My heart stuttered as a smile crept up my face. "Thank you," I said shyly.

I watched as his gaze moved from my hair, to my own bright blue orbs. He seemed to contemplate for only a moment before his hand slithered to the back of my head, pulling me into him.

I closed my eyes and welcomed the sensational kiss that was to come. I was self conscious of my morning breath, but he didn't seem to mind as his lips collided with mine in a passionate battle.

Like a planet to the sun, I was drawn to him and captured In his orbit. The ceiling suddenly didn't matter. The time didn't matter, though it must've been in the middle of the night because it was still dark out. Nothing on this god forsaken planet could keep me from allowing him to devour me whole.

His tongue grazed my bottom lip, and I gasped at the sensation. It was new, but pleasant, and it sent shivers down my back. The way such a simple touch had sent desire spiraling in my core was incomprehensible.

This man was my weakness just as much as I was his. He could surely have me on my knees if he wanted. All he had to do was ask.

With a heavy sigh, he pulled his hand away from its entanglement within my hair and he pulled his head back deeper into the pillow, forcing our lips to part.

"Would you care for some midnight snacks?" He breathed out through his slight panting.

I was definitely taken back by this. A mere second ago, I was sure he was just as consumed by lust as I was - yet here he was.. asking about snacks.

"Sure," I said quizzically. I sat back on my side of the bed and shifted so that I could turn on the lamp.

With more light than just the moon, I could see all the dust and random parts of decayed ceiling that were all over the blanket. I grabbed onto the edges and pulled it off the bed.

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