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"Hey, Kiriko," I woke to the sound of Atsushi gently nudging my shoulder.

"Hm?" I lazily responded with my eyes still closed.

"I have to go"

I forced my lids open, allowing myself to see the blurry image of the silver haired boy kneeling next to me. "Where are you going?"

Atsushi pursed his lips. His hesitation told me everything I needed to know.

"Dazai has requested you, hasn't he?"

Atsushi gave a weak smile but nodded. "Yeah.. sorry"

I shook my head. "Let me go with you. I could use a mission right about now"

"Dazai said you should stay here. It's not safe"

"I don't give a damn what Dazai said. I'm going with," I ripped the blanket off and swung my legs over the couch.

"He knew you'd say that. In turn, he told me to pass on some information," atsushi stood up to give me my own personal space.

"Which is?" I barely had the patience to give him time to explain.

"He said he'd cross another thing off on the list for your agreement," he said it like a question - confused as to what the hell it meant.

I knew exactly what Dazai was talking about. The list of things I need to experience before he kills me. Which thing would be crossed off?

"I wish I had more time but he said it was urgent. In the meantime, try and keep yourself occupied, would you?" Atsushi ruffled my hair before walking out the door.

I sighed heavily and forced myself off the couch. The stitches from my wound stung, reminding me to clean my bandages.

As soon as I made it back to Dazai and I's apartment, I pulled the bandages from my bag and headed for the bathroom. I removed my shirt, tossing it to the floor somewhere behind me.

As soon as my old bandages were off, I could tell my wound was infected. It was extremely red, swollen, and slightly yellow tinged. I decided to run some clean water over it, dabbing it with a cloth before applying the new bandages. I knew it wouldn't kill the infection but I didn't want to return to that hospital, so my body better kick it up a notch.

With a defeated sigh, I left the bathroom and got dressed in clean clothes and a jacket of my own. I would shower later, and give my wound more time to heal before exposing it to things such as shampoo or conditioner.

I locked the door behind me and shuffled down the staircase. I followed the bright sidewalk through the streets of Yokohama. The sun was bright, without a single cloud to block its path. Birds were singing their favorite songs, and lots of people were enjoying the pleasant weather as we all crossed paths on our ways to our destinations.

I had no particular destination until I came across a shop with a sign in front of its doors. There were no windows, but the sign said "a world of fun", so I took a chance.

The bell latched ontop of the door frame rang and I was greeted by a dark store that was illuminated by neon lights and glass cases that held.. wait.. oh no.

"Welcome miss! Is there anything in particular you're looking for?" A friendly lady called from behind a cashiers counter.

My eyes went wide and I stood there, like a mannequin frozen in time. I had walked myself straight into a sex shop, a place I certainly did not belong.

"It's okay if it's intimidating. It always is at first. Here, let me show you around," she beamed at me with her brown hair tied up, and her work uniform clung tightly to her body.

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now