Chicken Police

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Atsushi spun in his chair next to mine. His one leg was held to his chest while the other dangled to the floor, only making contact to push himself into his continuous spiral. His silver hair lifted up with the breeze and inertia. He kind of looked like a spinning carrot, and it brought a soft chuckle to my lips.

Atsushi abruptly stopped. "We should go out today," he looked to me with anticipation.

I set my pen down on my desk. I brought my arms up above my head, and stifled a yawn before it could escape. "Why on earth would i want to do that? I spent far too long outdoors," I nearly groaned.

He pursed his lips as he fell into a more serious nature. "You need sun, and probably some water too," he turned to reach into his bag on the floor that was next to him. He pulled out bottled water and tossed it to me.

I caught the bottle mid-air, and stared at it with furrowed brows. "So I'm basically a house plant with complicated emotions?" i muttered to the water like it was the one who had spoken to me.

'Well," he trailed off to ponder. "yeah, I guess," He shrugged. He kicked his foot and began spinning again.

"Atsushi, Kiriko, there's something id like you to do today," Kunikida adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He eyed my friend with great annoyance, but didn't seem to want to speak on it. "Id like you both to go deal with a complaint we received. Something about a rooster and self defense," he arched his own brow with utter confusion. "It seems pretty mediocre, but we've been hired to sort it out," he shrugged with the shake of his head.

Atsushi and i exchanged looks. "self defense from a rooster?" I voiced my suspicions. I could deduce that he was having the same thoughts, because he just shrugged along with me. "Let's go then," I sighed. I grabbed the file that Kunikida left on my desk and handed it to Atsushi to put in his bag.


"I got arrested last night!" A heavy set man flailed his arms. He was talking to a lady with a microphone, assumably from the local news station. Atsushi and i halted our steps to take in the scene. Next to that group, was a thinner guy with another news station.

"We're neighbors! I shouldn't have to worry about my neighbor being involved with animal cruelty!" The thinner male was screaming. The camera man nodded and ushered him to continue with the gesture of his hand.

So we got the neighbor, and the angry man. Got it. These must be the two were meant to sort out. Though I'm not too sure where the chicken comes in. I leaned my shoulder against a nearby wall, and Atsushi took to sitting on the ground with his legs crossed.

"I didnt know whether to give it mouth to mouth, a 21 guns solute, or call the chicken ambulance," the neighbor held his fingers to his face the imply a fake phone. He was speaking as if the whole concept was ridiculous - and honestly, so far, I agreed.

The woman turned to the camera. "Big Rue was Hirosha's pet rooster. That was, until Mikori hit it with a stick," she informed the invisible audience. I glanced to my friend with brows raised. His look told me he didnt quite understand either.

"So I'm defending myself," Mikori, the neighbor, begins to protest. "I was fearing for my safety, and the chicken you know. Well it died," he threw his hands out, clearly flustered. Why on earth would a rooster be so threatening?

"Mikori previously claimed that the rooster attacked people," the angry mans reporter turned to him.

"I have not heard that. Nobody ever said anything about it," Hirosha defended.

"I did tell him after the chicken went after my dad. I said hey man, chicken attached my pops. 'Oh he's just a chicken what's he gonna do'" Mikori ended his statement with mocking Hiroshas response. "Okay, well, look," he said, holding up papers with images. They showed a mans leg with deep lacerations.

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