Worth Has Nothing To Do With It

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The man known as Chuuya ushered me down the staircase, and down into a blackened room. My breathing hitched and i came to a halt at the foot of the staircase.

"Get movin," he growled. Though he seemed annoyed, he didnt really do much about it. He just stood there with me.

"This is the place from Akutagawa's hell," I whispered mostly to myself.

The gingers grip on my arm released entirely and I craned my neck back to look up at him.

"How would you know that?" He gave me a look that told me to continue or id have hell to pay - and i wasnt in the mood for anymore suffering.

I traveled to a section of wall that seemed out of place. There was a set of chains attached to handcuffs that were bolted into the concrete. I grazed my fingers over the metal.

"My ability lets me see into peoples version of heaven or hell. When i encountered him, I saw his hell. He was chained here, and," I snapped my mouth closed. I didn't want to think about it, let alone relive it.

Chuuya came to stand next to me by the set of chains. "You saw Dazai, didn't you?" He sighed, grabbing onto the part that locked around ones wrist.

I felt my eyes widen. How did he know?

As if to answer my question, he parted his lips. "We used to be partners. He tortured many people in this very room," the way he said it was more like a threat. Like he wanted this information to scare me.

"Partners? You used to work for the Armed Detectives Agency?" I pried. I knew i shouldnt but i just couldnt help myself. I knew that wasn't what he meant, either. A pathetic, guilty piece of me just wanted him to tell me I was right. To tell me that Dazai was never a bad guy.

Chuuya's shoulders shook with a heavy laugh. "No no. He worked here with me, at the Port Mafia," he grinned.

Time came to an existential halt. My bones rattled with despair and i felt my soul fall into the rabbit hole of complete and utter anguish. The way he said "here" was all the confirmation I needed to tell me exactly where I was.

This entire time, I have been within the enemies walls and I didnt even know it. I heard many things about the Port Mafia. None of them were good. This was an organization known for its strength and brutality, and here i was - caught in the middle of its web.

"Struck a nerve?" He teased. The hair on my neck stood erect with the breeze of him moving behind me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. My mouth felt dry. My knees felt ready to buckle, and i let them. i knew this was a sign of defeat, but i didnt really care. I had been playing games with the enemy. I had foolishly followed said enemy to my demise. I heard the door close and lock, yet i still couldnt bring myself to move an inch.

The room was dark and cold. The concrete dug into my knees, and i could feel the dirt on my palms. It was just me and my thoughts. Me and my mistakes. God, so many mistakes. How the hell did i let this happen? Was i really that foolish? I spent my entire life surviving by a thread. You would think that I would've learned a thing or two, but no. I was just as mediocre as I had ever been. Just as I had been when I killed Hanabusa.

"You have to be careful around these candles you two," mother held her hand around the flame as she placed the candle down on the table. Thunder boomed in the distance, complimented by a flash of lightening that gave a moment of bright light through the foggy windows.

I nodded and followed her around as she gathered more candles. Her long blonde hair swayed elegantly behind her back as she grabbed a package from a drawer in the kitchen. I could hear tiny footsteps hammering around behind us, and I turned to see the person the belonged to.

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