Arson Isnt A Pleasant Way To Go

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After suspiciously picking at my food, i managed to scarf it down like a crazed animal. I could feel its affects almost instantaneously. My hands weren't trembling as much, and some of my strength had returned.

In a strange way, I was starting to feel like I was becoming indebted to Dazai. Maybe it was the touch of his hand, or the fact that he had given me food. All I know, is that he saved me. There's no telling what would've happened to me on the streets if i had passed out without him there.

I always forced down my emotions for my own safety, but I was starting to feel like I might be safe. At least around him, I was. He had every opportunity to hurt me, and instead he had only offered kindness. Though his secrets definitely still plagued my mind, I figured it was best to lay them to rest for the time being.

"All right everybody! Stop what you're doing and look at me!" i jolted my head to the doorway of the diner, as did Dazai. There was a tall man with dirty blonde hair, with glasses that clung to the bridge of his nose. He had a book in a hand that hung loosely at his side, while the other hand held a gun in the air.

He started swinging the firearm around haphazardly. "Let's play a game. The rules are simple," he gave a sinister grin as he locked the door of the diner before turning to scan the crowd. He stalked up behind the booth we were sitting in. Dazai held his hands in the air as the barrel of the gun made contact with the back of his head.

"This man here, is a member of the Armed Detectives Agency. He is one of many. I will kill him, and then the rest," he clicked back a latch on the top of the pistol. "You can save them though. If one of you wouldnt mind taking his place in front of this bullet, that is," he smirked with malice. His eyes watched the customers like a group of lab rats in his vile experiment.

I looked to Dazai. He seemed oddly calm, as if the idea of death didnt concern him. I followed the trail of his cheeks, to his head, to the gun, and to the man. He pressed the gun harder against Dazai's head. "No takers? How sad," he feigned remorse.

"Wait!" Thankfully it was dead silent, allowing my barely audible plea to break the tension. My pulse was pounding in my ears. My hands clammed up and my chest felt heavy. I didnt mind dying, but i did mind Dazai dying. He had done more for me in just a day, than anyone else ever had in over a decade. If this was a chance to repay him, i was going to take it.

"Do you volunteer?" He slowly pulled the pistol from Dazais head, sights dead set on me. I sighed with relief and slid sideways out of the booth.

"Yes," it was the firmest i had ever been with speaking. There was no hesitation. I didnt even stumble as i walked up to to the tall man. I kept my eyes locked with his as i watched him begin to aim the weapon at my head in my peripheral.

I would not let him kill any chance of hope that I had. I would not let him kill those people. I hadnt even met them all yet, but i knew they had to be good people in their line of work. People who didnt deserve to die if i could help it. This may just be the one good thing i can do for someone, and I'll happily die for it.

"Congratulations!" A man in the booth behind ours began to clap. Soon, others began to clap too. The blonde withdrew his gun, putting the safety on before he handed it to Dazai, who had a pleased smile as he shoved it in one of his pockets.

I gave them both the most baffled look i could. What the hell?

"Welcome to the Armed Detectives Agency, Kiriko. You passed the test!" Dazai gave a congratulating grin.

My feet were stuck to the ground in abject horror. I almost got myself killed, and now I'm initiated? Do these two know each other? I glanced between the brunette and.. What would i even call him? Murderer?

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