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I'm going to be honest. I am extremely unhappy with the story. When I started writing it, I was in a really really dark place, and it carried over into my work.

The way Kiriko ended up with Dazai is just super unhealthy and I don't know why I romanticized that. It's awful. I think it's mostly because I was trying to focus on how unhealthy and mentally unstable Dazai himself is, and I couldn't keep the two separate. 

I have tried to resume the story many times, even just to give it a proper ending, but I just.. can't. And I'm so sorry for that.

I AM still working on the Fyodor one, but I'm putting a lot more thought and patience into it so that I don't look back at it and regret it like I do with this one.

I will keep the story up for those who enjoy what IS there, and again, I am so so so sorry for just cutting it off. I just.. can't. I can't finish something when my heart isn't in it.

Thank you to everyone who has read the story and supported me thus far, and I hope you will stick around for Fyodor.

Love always,

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