Fatal Fascination

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We finally got our first assignment today. Well, not theirs; but it was the first time for me. i thought I'd feel anxious, but instead i was excited. I wondered if it had anything to do with the thrill. I knew any of the assignments could become dangerous, and I think that's what intrigued me most. It was likely that I was being naive but i brushed it off with the cool breeze that kissed my cheeks.

Astushi and I strode through the alleyway with confidence. well, I was confident at least. My dear friend however, looked a bit rattled. I could only assume it was because Dazai had ditched us, leaving us to handle it ourselves. I fought back the irritation in my veins as it tried to surface.

"There you are, weretiger," Shivers crawled down my spine from the voice alone. It held such innate malice and threat. I turned on my heel. The face seemed to match the venomous tongue. His long black hair sported silver tips, and black cloak engulfed his slender figure.

"Akutagawa," Astushi muttered like it was his last breath. A few drops of sweat were beginning to form on his porcelain skin. This man must've been intimidating to get this kind of reaction from my peer.

The raven haired boy didnt seem the slightest bit amused. "Rashomon," he called out. Extended versions of him seemed to crawl from behind his back, hurling themselves towards Atsushi with great speed.

It was like I was invisible. The way these two lashed at each other, back and fourth. It was obvious they had some kind of history between each other, sparing no explanations or introductions before immediately falling into battle.

I felt like a bystander with insatiable curiosity; though it was quick to turn into horror. Akutagawa somehow had Atsushi pinned to the ground. His back was to me, but i could imagine the victorious smirk on his face.

"There's quite a large bounty on your head," our enemy dug his heel into his spine. Atsushi writhed underneath. A string of groans and unpleasant whimpers were barely audible but I couldn't miss them. My pulse kicked up, seeing my friend in such a state.

The beast of Rashomon lifted, threatening to impale Atsushi, who was sprawled out against the dirt like a rag doll. His tiger form had receded, leaving him a bloody mess with scratches and gashes across his back and arms.

I dont know why I did it. Everything in my told me not to; but i lunged. For a moment, i was grateful that my presence had been disregarded. It gave me the perfect opportunity to pounce on Akitagawa. My hands made contact with the bare skin of his neck, and we were sent hurling into the illusion.

My stomach heaved in protest at the strong smell of iron. My jaw nearly fell from its hinge upon seeing Akutagawa tied to a black wall. Metal chains kept his limbs in place, and his head hung low on his shoulders. This was all it took for him to be in his own personal hell? For someone who seems so dangerous, this doesn't strike me as a fear he should have.

As if to answer my question, in came another man. He sported the same black trench coat, but i immediately recognized him. Dazai. Seeing him this way sent a wave of chills across my skin and goosebumps rose upon my flesh. I had never seen him look so.. content. He seemed happy to instill fear in this man.

"I'm only interested in results," Dazai snapped with the coldest of looks. His normally soft eyes held onto a dreadful form of rage. A whip was held tightly in his hands, and he didnt hesitate to bring it back. He lashed at Akutagawa with such force that I even flinched - though i was nowhere near close enough to get hit with it.

The screams of agony begged my eardrums to shatter as dazai repeated his merciless assault. The sound of the whip hitting moist flesh made my knees tremble. The sinister smile on the brunettes cheeks sent me spiraling into a thoughtful mess of fear and panic.

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