Rema Ōgai

160 11 5

* A/N: before we begin, I would like to note that I am aware that Ogai is actually Mori's first name, but for the sake of the story, I'm reversing that. You'll understand why soon enough. <3 *

The smell of bacon pulled me from my sleep. My arm ached and it took me a minute to realize why.

I had been holding Dazais wrist the entire night. Clearly, his arm has been just as uncomfortable because he practically glared at me as he pulled it away.

"Sorry," I said with sleep still prominent in my throat. "You couldve taken your hand back after I fell asleep, you know"

He wasted no time in standing up, brushing himself off in the process. "Oh no, I could not have. I tried," he complained with irritation.

"Boss is waiting for you," he nudged his head toward the door.

I let out a stiff yawn, and I noticed that his tan duster was still in my lap. I must've used it as a blanket and didn't notice. Sorry Dazai.

I went to hold it out to him, and he shrugged. "Take it for now. Your dress is still torn in places that shouldn't be seen by others," he diverted his gaze with a tight jaw.

"T-thanks," I stuttered with a deep blush across my cheeks. I wrapped his coat around me as I rose to my feet, thankful that he had been facing the other way so he didn't have to see me struggle. It's calming scent of vanilla and honey wrapped itself around me, and I smiled in turn.

I followed him down the staircase and into the kitchen. There was a decent sized table with plates and silverware spread out neatly, and Fukuzawa came over with a pan in hand.

"Goodmorning," his monotone greeting was a bit unsettling, but I took a seat anyways.

"Morning," I said back.

Fukuzawa used the spatula to scrape some eggs from the pan, setting them on my plate as Dazai took a seat next to me.

He put some food on his own plate, and then stopped when he looked to the brunette at my side.

"You can serve yourself," he huffed, handing the pan to him.

Dazai raised a brow but didn't complain, scarping the last bit of eggs from the pan.

Fukuzawa came back with a plate of bacon and set it down at the center of the table. Finally, he took a seat in one of the chairs on the opposite side of us.

It was oddly surreal. Never in my life had I imagined I'd be in this situation. Granted, working for the ADA put me in many unexpected situations, this one just.. I wouldn't have believed it if i weren't living it.

"Thank you for making breakfast, President, Sir," I breathed out. I was nervous to say the least. It's not everyday that you wake up in your bosses home and eat a nice meal at his table.

"There are things we need to address," he cut right to the chase. I noticed Dazai tense up next to me, and I wondered why.

"Okay.." I said it more as a question than anything. I used my fork to scoop up some of the scrambled eggs, shoveling them into my mouth. They were delicious and light, and perfectly seasoned.

"How much do you remember from your childhood?" He was blunt. He offered no sympathy with his prying words. I couldn't tell if this was just who he was as a person, or if he was just as nervous as I was.

I stopped chewing, swallowing the food with a hard gulp. My hands froze on the table, and my fork fell from my fingers, clattering to the ground.

Dazai gave me a suspicious look before scooting his chair back to grab it off the floor for me.

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