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I am both pleased and anxious to announce that the Fyodor fic has officially dropped!!!!!!

I know some of you likely don't care, and that's okay. But for those of you who do, I hope I meet all of your expectations.

I have been able to really take my time with this one, and not just rush to get chapters out on time. I was able to carefully curate the storyline into something I actually liked, and I really poured my heart into it. I am immensely grateful for all of you who have stuck with me this far, and who will continue to do so. I couldn't have done this without you. You all made it so that I could find it within myself to create something that I will cherish for years to come. Thank you. A million times - thank you.

I also MIGHT go back through and modify THIS story. If I can find a way to make It so that I am not as disappointed in it, I may just be able to finish it for you all. It is definitely a goal and I will do my best to do so. I honestly didn't ever think that this story was going to do as well as it has, and that alone has given me motivation to want to make it better.

That being said, there may be a chance that the story will change entirely, or that I will rewrite it all together. Either way, I hope that I can create something that you all will enjoy.

Love always,

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