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"Is that all?" A shorter woman with a white apron offered a friendly smile. Her black hair was tied neatly in a bun, with soft warm eyes.

"Yes that'll be all," Dazai yawned. He stretched back before placing his arms behind his head. I tried to make room for his knees that invaded my space, but it only resulted in me being shoved in a corner. I should've waited to pick my seat, and sat next to Atsushi instead.

"Dont think I've forgotten about your tab," she giggled, fanning herself with the menus she took from us.

Dazai gave his infamous smirk and grabbed her hand. He pulled the menus away and let his fingers dance in her palm before placing a few seductive kisses on her fingertips. I felt my heart twitch at the look of desire he gave her. Her face flushed and I couldnt even blame her, even if the sight made me uneasy.

"Perhaps i can pay it in a different way," his low voice was husky but charming. His eyes narrowed with content as he held her hand to his lips. I knew what he was hinting at. I should've been embarrassed, but instead i felt... hurt. Why though? Its not like i had feelings for him or anything. I could hardly stand to be in his presence, let alone think of him touching me like that. He was a womanizer for sure, and that's likely what bothered me. Yes. It bothered me that the man who was so kind to me on that fateful day, was actually just a adulterous, suicidal, maniac.

Thankfully, the dreadful flirting ceased and we were quickly given our dishes. Atsushi and Dazai practically inhaled their food like endless black holes. Me on the other hand - I didnt even so much as touch mine. I felt nauseated and i didnt think food would help.

"Kiriko, you haven't even taken a single bite," Atshushi frowned at my bowl of salad, like the presence of lettuce and tomatoes somehow offended him.

I shook my head with an airy laugh. "Im just not that hungry,"

"You didnt even eat yesterday. There's no way youre not hungry," he prodded.

I internally facepalmed. "Yeah sorry. Im just not feeling well today," it was a weak excuse but it wasnt exactly a lie.

"Do you need to go visit yosano?" He looked concerned. Dazai just silently observed with a glass of golden liquid in hand. He swirled it around and the ice clinked against the glass.

'No no no no," I threw my hands out. My ailment wasnt fatal, and i didnt want to give her a reason to torture people. i shivered at the thought of what shed do to inflict the wounds. "I think i just need some rest," I smiled nervously.

The timid boy nodded and left it at that. When the waitress came by to drop off the bill, i made sure to pay off the tab. I dont know why, but i felt personally responsible for the debt. It just didnt feel right to accept a service and not give currency or an exchange of equal value.

I took sluggish steps down the street towards my apartment. The wind kicked up and my hair lifted, exposing my neck and ears to the brisk breeze. It was the perfect temperature. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was painted with beautiful shades of pink and orange. The buildings were dark in contrast but it was still beautiful nonetheless.

"Why are you following me?" I didnt turn to face him. I tugged my jacket tighter around my chest.

"You mean, why am I going to my own apartment?" he teased.

Honestly, I had literally forgotten that we shared. It had been so long now, and he was never home. Did they even finish renovating the room that was burned? Did they forget?

I gave no response. We neared the door of our apartment and i shoved my hands in the pocket of my coat. I heard the dangling of keys, but they weren't mine. Dazai swiftly turned the lock and pushed the door open. He held his hand against the wood, allowing me entrance.

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now