Thats The Name

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"Dazai," I sighed.

He groaned with his head pinned to the kitchen table. I felt bad seeing him so tired, knowing full well that I was the cause of it.

"Go lay in the bed upstairs," I buttoned up his coat that was drowning me. It covered the tears on my dress in the back already, but it wasn't plausible for me to leave the house with the blood still visible on my dress, and I didn't happen to have any spares laying around.

"I take it I'm not getting that back today?" He mumbled as he pulled his head up to observe me.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'.

He raised a brow and I dismissed it. I headed towards the door and started lacing up the boots, which ironically matched his jacket perfectly. Same shade and all.

"Where are you going?"

I yanked at the laces before tying them into a neat bow. "I don't really know, but I know I can't just sit around here all day and do nothing"

"That's exactly what boss told us to do," he sighed heavily and pulled himself away from the table.

"Where are you going?" I asked, pulling myself from the ground.

"If you leave, i have to leave too," his lids were sleepy and his posture was slumped. He looked like a zombie as he wobbled over to me.

I shook my head. "You can't go out like that. People are going to question the blood on your shirt," I pointed my finger towards him.

"Let them," he shrugged, sliding his feet into his shoes with ease.

I closed the door behind Dazai and I, making sure to lock it before putting the spare key under a rock next to the house. I shoved my hands in the pocket of his jacket and started on my brisk walk.

Nice houses lined the block. It was a nicer neighborhood, with sports cars in every driveway we passed. The breeze was nice and cool, and it smelled of the morning dew that clung to the grass in everyone's lawn.

Dazai didn't give much question as to what the destination was, following behind me like a lost puppy. I was thankful for it too. Realistically, I had no idea where we were going either. My plan was to just wander until I found something interesting.

We rounded a corner and I could see a nice nature reserve tucked away behind a giant sign, telling people to respect the wildlife. It was covered with perfectly bloomed trees and a trail that carved its way through the foliage. A few birds flew from branch to branch, and their chirping was more pleasant than annoying.

I followed the empty path, letting it lead us through a canopy of leaves and various flowers. The leaves gave a subtle crunch beneath my boots, and I could faintly hear the sound of rushing water off in the distance.

"I've never been here before," Dazai commented.

"Me neither"

I nearly jumped when I hear the sound of a phone ringing. I felt the vibration in the depths of the jacket, and realized it wasn't mine. I felt around in the pockets until I found the phone, pulling it out.

"Answer it" he shrugged.

I shot him a weird look but tapped the green button anyways.


"This isn't Dazai," I could hear Kunikida mumble through the receiver.

"No. It's Kiriko"

"Tell Dazai that you two need to return to the headquarters right away" he sounded urgent.

Promise Me (Dazai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now