I Love You

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"Astushiiiiiii," i hummed, leaning over my best friends office chair. It had a little give to it, meaning the weretiger was leaning backwards as i put my weight on the backrest.

"Youre in a good mood today," He commented, staring up at me through his messy bangs.

I felt my cheeks flush as i remember why I was in a good mood,  and i pulled way from his chair, causing him to bounce forward. "We get off work in a few. I was going to go shopping for some new work clothes. Would you like to come with?" I asked as he readjusted himself.

"Why not have Dazai go with you?" He titled his head up to look at me.

"Last time i brought him with, he tried to hang himself with the display scarf," I rolled my eyes. Thanks to him, i was banned from that store now. It was my favorite too.

Atsushi nodded with understanding. He wasnt even the least bit surprised. "I guess I can come then. Just give me a few to close out my files and Ill meet you downstairs," he started clicking away on the tabs he had open on his computer.

I gave a small squeal as I clapped my hands, wasting no time to gather my things. I tossed my phone and other valuables into my over-the-shoulder bag and rushed towards the elevator.

We decided on a small family-owned store that was tucked into the corner of a strip mall. It was easy to miss, as we often did, due to the lack of signs and the only window being in the bathroom. You couldnt see anybody doing their business or anything, but generally people like to look through windows to see a stores items.

The bell chimed as Atsushi and I entered, followed by a friendly greeting from a sweet elderly lady. There were tons of racks and shelves with various display items, most in grey scales. There were very few articles of clothing that had genuine color to them, but that's okay. I was here for work clothes, so I didn't really need eccentric colors.

"Im going to go look in the mens section. Kyoka has been bugging me to get new suspenders," Atsushi muttered.

I let out a soft laugh. "Alright," was all I said as I started digging through one of the stacks for a shirt of my size. I hung it loosely over my arm and started searching around some more. Most of the collection was really tight pencil skirts, or those blouses with the frills going up the part where it buttons. It kind of reminded me of the renascence.

"Letting our guard down now, are we?" I shivered as his breath hit my ear. I turned around and saw none-other than Mori himself. His eyes were laced with malice as they stared me down. His behavior was almost snake-like with the way he maneuvered and observed.

"Didnt send someone else to do your dirty work?" I retorted. I looked around the store as I set down the shirt I was holding. Nobody was around, which was probably a good thing. We didnt need anyone getting caught in the crossfire.

"If you want something done your way, sometimes you have to do it yourself," He shrugged with an insincere smile.

"Why are you here?" I tapped my foot and crossed my arms. My days of being scared of him and his organization was over. I would drag him to hell if I needed to.

"Im just collecting on my family debts," He put his hands out defensively.

"Im not going anywhere with you," I said.

"Oh, but I think you will," His smile turned into a smirk, and that told me to start thinking of a game plan before it was too late.

Atsushi was god knows where, and the mafia leader could easily catch me if I just ran for it. There weren't any windows for me to jump out of again either.... Wait!

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