Painfully Oblivious

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I groaned. I was finally asleep until i heard the most annoying sound of my life. I forced my eyes open to see my phone buzzing violently on the night stand. I took a minute to curse Yosano for her 'gift' before sliding the screen to the left.

"It is 7 A.M Atsushi. On a Saturday," my sleep-ridden voice was harsher than i meant it to be, but at least it would hopefully get him to the point quicker.

"Im sorry! Its just that there's someone in my apartment that apparently knows you. They're on my couch," he mumbled. I could imagine him looking at the person as he spoke.

A moment of silence passed over. I wasnt too surprised that a visitor ended up at his place. We are neighbors after all. The fact that i had a guest was the part that rattled my brain. "Did they give you a name?" I rubbed my temples. It was far too early for this.

I heard shuffling through the receiver, followed by muffled voices. "Says you'll know him when you see him," i could guess that he was shrugging by his tone.

I didnt bother saying goodbye before hanging up the phone. i tossed it back on the night stand and quickly ripped the blankets off. I put on some sweatpants and tied my hair into the sloppiest bun I've probably ever created. I didnt bother checking myself over before leaving the apartment. Whoever this guest was - I would make sure they knew how much they've disturbed me.

I used my knuckles to lightly tap on Atsushis door. Within a few seconds, he opened it and stepped to the side to let me in. I gave him an apologetic smile and casted my gaze to the couch.

There was a man that i certainly did not recognize. He had grey hair that was slicked back and ended just under his ears. He sported a long black trench coat that was only buttoned up halfway, revealing his very toned chest. He almost looked like a giant compared to atsushis small studio apartment.

"Long time no see, Kiriko," he gave me a look that told me to play along.

Alarm bells were ringing, but whatever this was, I didn't want to drag my innocent friend into it. I decided to go with the mans plan, only until we were alone and i could manage him that way.

"Yes. It has been quite a while. Would you like to move this over to my apartment?" I moved my arm out to point towards the door. I plastered the most realistic smile i could against my lips. Atsushi just stood with an awkward expression.

The man nodded. Before we could make our leave, he stopped and turned. "I apologize for any troubles," he seemed genuine with his apology, but i saw right through it. Whoever this guy was, he didn't give a damn about inconveniencing others.

"Its no problem at all. Really!" Atsushi reassured him.

My heart ached. If this man was here to hurt me, that would mean that I have endangered the tiger boy in the process. He was too innocent for all this. I would believe i was too, but to believe that would be a delusion.

The man and I were now in my apartment. I secretly hoped that Dazai had some sort of secret cameras set up. Maybe he could help me out of this. After all, that arrogant brunette always seemed to have all the answers.

"Who are you?" I blurted out bitterly.

He paced around the room. He trailed his finger across the dresser, pinching dusty remains between his thumb and index finger. "The names Irom," he said flatly. "I have a proposition for you," he hummed as he turned to me.

"Why would I ever agree to a deal with you? I dont even know you," I crossed my arms. I wouldnt let him see how much i was panicking. If he was an enemy, the last thing i should do is show weakness. I learned that the hard way.

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