Life Is Fleeting

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I buried my face into the silk sheets of the bed. I was surprised to see that at one point, Dazai had quite a luxurious taste. I wondered why his decorative choices had changed, and why his current apartment wasnt nearly as nice.

I rolled over in the bed, expecting to find a sleeping brunette next to me, but was met with a cold space. I sat up and looked around the dark room. The only light was the soft glow that seeped in from the living room, so I couldnt see much besides dark outlines of the furniture.

"Dazai?" I called.

"Sorry to disappoint," i didnt recognize the raspy voice that had just spoke to me. I watched as a figure moved in the darkest corner, stalking his way into the light.

I slid back on the bed until i hit the wall. He was in front of the doorway, so I didn't have the option to run like I wanted to.

"Boss will be so happy to know that we've found you," he laughed like a man on the brink of losing his sanity.

I started sliding my gloves off underneath the covers. I still had very little control over my ability, but this was probably a life or death situation. I just hoped that I would be able to hold out in whatever realm we landed in.

The man lunged at me, immediately going to restrain my hands. As soon as our skin made contact, he began to scream. I couldnt tell why, or what was happening really, but he fell to the ground. His throat expelled what could only be considered strings of curses and agony.

I didnt waste time trying to figure it out. I quickly jumped off the bed, stepping over his body. I ran to the front door and ripped it open. The hall was a blur as i booked it, stopping only when i made it to the lounge area.

There were multiple halls connecting to the one large room. I quickly realized I had no idea how to navigate this place without Dazai. Where the hell was he?

I was out of time to figure it out. I could hear the sound of shoes tapping against the ground down one of the halls, so I took off in the opposite direction. The walls were the same cave-like substance, and small puddles of water were scattered on the ground. It got darker and darker the further I went, until i ended up in front of a door.

"How sweet. I didnt even have to chase you. You came right to me," Iroms voice sent shivers down my spine - and not the good kind.

I whipped around, staring him down with as much of a glare as I could muster. "come back for a round two?" I hissed. Truth was, I probably wouldnt be able to hurt him like that again. I didnt even know how I did it the first time, and it scared me to do so.

"Not interested," he said. His hand went up, sending a fist directly into my face.

The force of his hit sent me falling back onto my feet with blurred vision and a ring in my ears. It was like a bomb had gone off when i was standing way too close.

Irom bent down, ready to grab me when i shot my hand out. I was only trying to push him away, but when a beam of bright light emanated from my palms, we both went wide eyed.

It took a minute, as if it had to charge, but soon the light manifested into a ball that fired off. It slammed right into Iroms chest and had launched him through the corridor. He looked like a hovering ghost as he flew all the way back down and into the lounge area.

Naturally, the blast caught peoples attention. Irom was buried in a pile of rubble while multiple men stuck their heads out to investigate the sudden disruption. Once they caught sight of me, they all began to start charging.

I quickly turned towards the door, ripping it open as fast as I could. Behind it was a stairwell, with dozens of staircases all connecting to each other. They only went up, so that's the way I went.

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