Red Camellia ( 🍋)

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A/N: there will be a SpIcY scene coming up in the chapter. You may skip it, as it isn't really important to the story, but it is the majority of this chapter. i will give a warning when it comes up.

I felt myself fall, surrounded by wind and an eerie calm until my back hit something soft. It bounced, and I got thrusted back into the opposite direction. I was okay with falling - i was not okay with flying.

i flailed in a frenzy of trying to catch myself and understand my bearings. I expected death, not a trampoline park. I tried to spin my body around, or really anything to reorientate myself before I felt someone grab onto me.

I fell back into someone's lap, and they had fallen to the ground with the weight of me crashing into them. I looked up and was blessed with the sight of my favorite amber eyes, matching the smile of the only person that would make my heart pound like it was.

"Dazai," I said with relief and threw my arms around his neck. I could feel his chest shake as he chuckled underneath me, and he held onto me just as tightly.

"I couldn't find you. I was so scared that something had happened, but then oda told me-"

"Oda?" he cut me off and pulled his head back to look at me.

I nodded sheepishly. "Yeah.. I can kind of.. Talk to him," I said nervously. I just got him back. Dont tell me I already ruined the moment.

His brows raised ever so slightly but he head tilted as he seemed to come to terms with it. He visibly shook it off and went to cup my face in his hands.

"You are always so full of surprises, my little Red Camellia," He shook my head back and fourth between his hands as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Uhhhhhhhhh... right so... can we go now?" I could hear Atsushi awkwardly chime in from somewhere behind us. I nearly jumped, and scrambled out of Dazai's lap. I wasnt exactly embarrassed about my feelings towards him, but I wasnt a big fan of PDA.

Dazai cleared his throat and pulled us both to our feet. He used his hand to brush any dirt off of my clothes for me, and i felt a smile crawl to my lips. The entire time, he refused to let go of my hand. So hes a gentleman, huh?

"Yes. Thank you for helping me on such short notice, and thank Kunikida for me for the trampoline," He nodded briefly.

Atsushi nodded back and gladly took off in some random direction, one that wasnt heading towards the agency or the apartment. Maybe he had something else he needed to do?

Dazai pulled out his phone, asking for a taxi and giving our location. It was quick, which meant he was already back to cherishing me like i was some sort of superhero. He held both of my hands in his, holding them above my head to make me step closer to him. Our bodies touched, and he then let go of my hands to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Youre certainly extra clingy today," I mumbled.

Dazai pressed his forehead against mine with a heavy sigh. "I am sure of most things. I can predict most things, but this time. Damnit, Kiriko. I wasnt sure you would make it out of there," he sounded distressed, with his voice cracking ever so slightly. It was unnatural to see him like this, and I quickly realized how much I hated it.

"Where did you even go? You left me in that room all by myself, and then a guard found me," I whispered. I didnt want to make him feel worse, but I did want answers. I very well could have died, and that would've been fine, if it weren't for the fact that it was due to the enemies and not him.

"I had to. Im sorry. I needed to make sure the rest of the agency was okay, and that Mori wasnt able to use them against you to lure you out," his eyes closed and he planted a kiss on my head right as the taxi pulled up.

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