Chapter Thirty-Five

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Author's Note:

Hi guys, hope you like this shitty chapter! Love ya!

Love, Kaylea


*Kaylea's P.O.V.*

I still had an hour before my flight was scheduled to leave. I was now sitting in the airport's Starbucks drinking a hot chocolate.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

We all were still at Zayn's flat trying to figure out where she might be. I know Kaylea well and I know for a fact she thought long and hard about where she would go, she wouldn't want us to find her so easily.

We all sat in silence, thinking about where she could be. I pulled out my phone to check Twitter to see if she might have tweeted about where she would go. Looking for any tweets by her, I saw some nasty tweets on my feed about her. Our fans could be absolutely disgusting and mean and it was awful. A lot of people were calling her a whore, slut, and bitch for no reason at all. A thought crossed my mind that this could be the reason she left.

Kaylea never shared her feelings about the fans or the hate. It's like she had a wall built up and wouldn't let anyone see what hurt her. My heart ached at the thought of Kaylea reading these tweets and crying.

A lyric crossed my mind about our situation and I couldn't help but tweet it.

@Harry_Styles: I'm not giving up, you don't have to leave. I am willing to beg till I break my knees. I believe in us, don't give up on me. Girl, I know that you're hurting and I'm sorry for the pain.

All of sudden my mentions were blowing up and everyone was asking what happened and who it was about, or did Kaylea leave.

I guess the other boys got my tweet cause they all looked at me.

Niall's eyes got all big like he just got an idea, "I know what we can do guys!"

We all looked at him with wide eyes, "Don't just stand there, tell us!" I yelled.

"Well our fans, they're pretty good stalkers, maybe they can help us find Kaylea. I'll tweet them and see what they can do for us!" Niall said excitedly while he pulled out his phone.

He started typing frantically on it. My phone dinged and I looked down and it was a tweet from Nialler.

@NiallOfficial: No time to explain #FindKaylea

"Great thinking Niall!" Louis said.

My phone started dinging more from all the boys retweeting Niall's tweet.

I favorited and retweeted his tweet and checked the trends. It was already trending worldwide.

Hopefully somebody would find her I thought to myself.

*Kaylea's P.O.V.*

I was drinking my second hot chocolate when I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and looked around the waiting area and saw a teenage girl staring intensely at me. I quickly turned back around getting nervous.

*Liam's P.O.V.*

I kept refreshing my feed to see if anyone has seen Kaylea or if they have any idea where she is. Some people we're being real supportive and others were just being plain rude.

I refreshed the page one more time to see if someone had found anything. There were lots of tweets about how some girl had found Kaylea. I went to the #FindKaylea trend and the top tweet was someone saying she found her at the airport, attached to the tweet was a picture of Kaylea sitting in a Starbucks.

I clicked the follow button on her profile and DM'ed her telling her thank you.

"Boys!! She's at the airport! Come on we have to go!" I hollered.

All of us jumped up and ran out to Harry's range rover.

"Oh my God, thank you! Thank you!" Harry said, he was shaking as he tried to start the car.

"You're going to have to stop shaking Harry, if you want to get to her safely and not die in the process. Let's go!" Louis said patting Harry on the back.

Harry finally got the car started and we headed towards the airport.

*At the airport*

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"Come on boys we have to get her before she leaves!" I hollered back as I was running through the airport doors.

I wasn't going to let her get away from me, she is my everything.

I slowed down and stopped, then turned around to face the boys who were catching up to me.

"Harry I think I see her." Zayn pointed behind me. I turned around and looked where he was pointing. The girl was turned around so I could only see the back of her head. It looked like Kaylea's hair. I hope it's her.

"I know how we can get her before she loads the plane!" Louis said.

*Kaylea's P.O.V.*

I started walking towards the gate to board the plane when I noticed four familiar faces guarding the way. I was shocked and didn't know what to say.

I started to turn around and I bumped into somebody and before I could say sorry I looked up and saw the gorgeous green eyes of the boy I loved, staring back into mine.


Author's Note:

Click this link to see the tweets by the boys!!

Thank you!

Love, Kaylea

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