Chapter Twelve- Story Time

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The ride back home was silent, we all were tired. I knew that as soon as my head hit my pillow I would be out.

Harry pulled the car up to the dorm entrances. I didn't want to leave him but hopefully we would hang soon. Jenny told him goodnight and headed to our dorm. I gave Harry a hug, it was awkward cause we were in the car, so yeah. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Goodnight beautiful, today was amazing cause of you. I'll text you when I get home. Have sweet dreams love."

I blushed and got out of the car. I got back into the dorm and Jenny was already asleep she left me a note on my bed, "Tomorrow you are telling me everything that happened! And I'll tell you everything that happened between me and Zayn. Thanks for the great night, your an awesome roommate Kaylea. Night. (: xx"

I chuckled and fell on my bed and went to asleep with Harry on my mind.

*Next Morning*

I woke up with 4 new messages, all from Harry.

From: Harry <3333333

Hey love, I made it home safely, your probably asleep right now, so goodnight sweet dreams of me (;

I'll be dreaming of you. (; xx

Awh he was to sweet, next message:

From: Harry <3333333

Good morning beautiful <3 xx

Now I was blushing.

From: Harry <333333

Text me when you wake up, I miss you. (: xx

Next one:

From: Harry <3333333

Dang love, you sleep late. (; xx

I checked the time, oh my God  it was 11:30! What time did we get home last night? I'm guessing late. Jenny was still asleep. I threw my pillow at her. She woke up in an instant.

"Woah, what? Oh, good morning Kaylea." Jenny said sleeply.

"More like good afternoon, its almost 12!!!" I told her.

She got up quick, she was shocked. Her face was priceless. "Well we got in late so we deserved to sleep in." She said.

I agreed with her, it's not like school has started yet, I was going to get as much sleep as possible before school starts.

I texted Harry back real quick;

To: Harry <3333333

Good afternoon cute stuff! (; Sorry I didn't text back last night, fell asleep as soon as I got in my room. I miss you too! Last night was amazing. Hopefully we can do it again sometime soon. <333

I was smiling like an idiot at my phone, Jenny asked me "So let me guess your texting lover boy?" She threw my pillow at me.

"I want to hear all about last night! Now!!!!" She said eager to know what happened.

"Alright I'll tell you but only if you tell me about you and Zayn when I get finished, Deal?"

"Deal!" She squealed.

*Jenny's P.O.V.*

I listened to Kaylea tell me all the details of her and Harry last night. I squealed at some of the things she told me. I was so happy for her, for me too. It was a dream come true. We both were getting close to the boys of One Direction. Wow! It was still so hard to believe. After she finished talking about her and Harry she was so eager to hear about me and Zayn. I told her to hold on for a minute, I heard my phone buzzing somewhere in the room. When I finally fount it, I checked it and it was from a unknown number. Hmm who could that be?

From: Unknown number

Hello love, its Zayn here. (: I had a good time last night, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date tonight? I would like to get to know you better. (: xx

I screamed! Kaylea asked me what was going on and I showed her the text message and she started screaming too! I quickly replied;

To: Zayn <3

Hello! I had a good time last night too. And I'd LOVE to go on a date tonight. (:

I squealed with happiness.

"Okay, okay calm down. After you tell me what happened last night we can go shopping for your outfit tonight." Kaylea said, not wanting to forget the subject of last night.

"Deal. Okay so when we were playing hide n' seek last night, Zayn told me that he knew a good spot to hide. So he led me to the kitchen, and then into that closet we were in . Well at first neither one of us were talking, it was kind of awkward. So then, I piped up and asked him how his day was, he told me that it got better when I walked into the door cause I was so beautiful. After he said that I smacked his arm and told him to stop lying. He told me he wasn't lying, and that he usually was shy but there was something about me that he liked. I could barely see him but I grabbed his hand and then we were just standing there holding hands. In thats when he leaned in to kiss me, which led to us making out when you opened the door!" I said to her, blushing a little bit remembering last night.

"Thats just so cute! I'm happy for you!" Kaylea told me while giving me a quick hug.

"I'm happy for you two!" I said to her.

"Now lets go shopping!" We both said at the same time.

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