Chapter Six- Surprises in the Dark

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"Hello gorgeous," Harry said when got out of his car and gave me a hug. "This must be your friend?" He asked.

"Harry meet Jenny, Jenny meet Harry." I said to both of them. They shook hands. And smiled at each other.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm a huge fan!" Jenny told Harry. He just smiled and nodded.

"Should we go then?" Harry said pointing to the car. It was a nice car it was black and looked nice. I couldn't believe I was about to hop in a car with Harry Styles.

We all got in the car and were on our way to the boy's flat, as they liked to call it. I was going to have to get used to these British terms. It took about 15 minutes to get there. And I couldn't believe my eyes when we pulled into the drive way, it was huge! Like I bet my house back in Kentucky could fit in there easily 10 times. I was amazed.

I didn't notice that Harry got out of the car and walked to my side and opened the door for me until he let out a little cough to let me know he was there. "Oh, sorry, I'm just so amazed how big and beautiful this place is." I said to him.

I looked at Jenny, she was smiling ear to ear. I was so happy she could come. She mouthed the words "He's a gentleman" to me. I couldn't help but laugh. Harry looked confused but he led us inside.

"And I thought this place was beautiful on the outside but it's even better on the inside." I said thinking outloud.

"It's not quite as beautiful as you though." Harry said to me as he grabbed my hand.

That feeling in my stomach came back. It was a warm ticklish feeling. This boy was giving me butterflies!

"Boys! Come and meet our guests!" Harry yelled out.

All of the sudden I heard running coming from upstairs and then coming down the stairs were the other four boys of One Direction, all smiling at me, Jenny, and Harry.

"So this is the girl you couldn't shut up about it!" Niall said in his beautiful Irish accent.

"Shut up!" Harry murmured, he was blushing.

"Hi I'm Kaylea, it's so nice to meet you." I lifted my hand to Niall. He took it and shook it gently.

I did this with all of the boys and then I introduced Jenny to them. She said hi to Zayn last and she blushed a little when he kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh Zayn, stop making the poor girl blush! You're embarassing her." Yelled Louis. Zayn snapped his head up and gave Louis the death glare. All Louis did was smile and winked at him.

I couldn't help but laugh. Louis was just like I imagined him to be in real life, always cheeky and up for a laugh. This was going to be a fun night.

All the boys noticed that me and Harry were holding hands and they all just gave us this look of awe. I blushed a little.

"So what do you girls want to do? You know besides get all cozy with each other." Said Louis. Wow that boy just didn't care what came out of his mouth.

"Let's play hide and seek!" I squealed. I know its a little childish but I love this game and in this huge house there were plenty of places to hide.

"That sounds fun, but could we do it in partners? Cause I get scared walking around here alone." Liam said that quietly.

"Ofcourse" Harry replied quickly. "Me and Kaylea are a team, Jenny and Zayn," He winked at Jenny when he said this, "and then we can have a group of three, Niall, Louis, and Liam." He finished.

"No! I want to be myself and show you guys how good I am cause I'm.................. SUPERMAN!!!!!!!" Louis yelled. We all just laughed.

We all got in our pairs and Louis started to count to 60. Everyone scrambled around in all directions going somewhere to hide. I saw Zayn and Jenny go around to the kitchen I think? She was giggling.

Harry looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of his and said, "Come on, I know the perfect place to hide." He smiled and led me up the stairs and then down a hallway and then up another flight of stairs. Jeez this place was huge!

When we got to the top of the stairs we turned left and we went into what I thought was a closet but was a huge room. "Woah." was all I could say.

"Hold on, we're almost there." Harry whispered to me.

Then we actually did go into a closet and he told me to get down on my hands and knees we had to crawl to the back of the huge closet. There was a small opening in the back wall to make it look like there was a cave. I followed him into it and he covered the hole up with a box. I tried to stand up but I just hit my head. "Ouch!" I said quietly.

"We have to sit when were in here, its only big enough for the both of us." He said to me.

"Oh do the other boys know about this?" I asked him.

"Nope, that's why I brought you hear so we could have alone time together." He said. I felt his hands brush past my cheek. I wish I could see him but it was pitch dark.

"I wanna try something.." He said and I could feel him right infront of my face.

When all of the sudden..............

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