Chapter Fifteen- Cake to the Face

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Kaylea here.... I know I haven't updated in awhile, I've been having writers block lately. I've been trying to think of ways to go with this chapter, I'm still not sure what I want to do with this chapter, I'll figure out what to do while I'm typing. Haha, anyways I feel like my chapters are short? I see other people writing like 7 page chapters!! And my longest one is 2?! I feel like I write alot but then it shows up on here and it doesn't look like enough. :/

I'm going to try my best on this chapter, hope you all like it! :D

Love, Kaylea


*Zayn's P.O.V.*

Mine and Jenny's date was going real well so far. She was so down to earth, funny, pretty, smart, and did I mention pretty?! I haven't really been having the luck with the ladies ever since me and Rebecca broke up a long time ago. I had hope with this girl. We kept a conversation going the whole time, we were laughing and smiling at each other, I'd say it was the perfect date. I wanted to give Harry and Kaylea some more time for their date so I decided that I would take Jenny to one of the prettiest places ever.

I payed the bill and grabbed Jenny's hand and said, "I want to take you somewhere, I know you'll love it!"

"Okay!" She smiled at me and we went off.

There was a little field looking over a stream behind a park a couple blocks down. That's where I was going to take her, it's so pretty out there. It reminds me of my handsome self. Haha kidding, it was a nice place.

"I'm so excited, will you tell me where were going please?" Jenny said giving me the puppy dog face.

It was so cute but I wouldn't let it get to me, "Nope its a surprise!"

We were in the park now, I walked straight back to the trees and then to the opening of the field. She let out a little cute gasp and was amazed of what she saw.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I told her sliding my arm around her waist.

"So beautiful." She said while laying her head on my arm, she was too short to reach my shoulder. It was adorable.

*Kaylea's P.O.V.*

Everything was going perfect. This date with Harry was amazing.

"So love, tell me how you came to London? I know for school in all but I want to know a little bit more." Harry said while eating his chicken.

My mind went blank when he asked me this, it seems like I forgot everything about my life before Harry, I tried answering while thinking, "Well umm, I lived in this little small county in Kentucky with my mom, step dad, sister, and brother. I have always been the smart one in my family, I've got straight A's since first grade, always had something going for me. In Middle School I was in a bunch of advanced classes, and then in High School I basically had all my credits when I was done with Junior year. Senior year was basically all fun and games for me since I had already took all my classes. I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet, I knew I wanted to go to college but not just some regular one, I wanted an advanced college where I could take the hardest classes possible. So when I graduated, I had a bunch of scholarships to different schools but one caught my eye. And it happened to be in London. It was an advanced college and I was ready to take the scholarship for it! So after talking to my family and friends I decided that this might be my only chance to see one of the most beautifullest places on Earth and go to a great college! So I took the scholarship. I finally felt like I was doing something great with my life, coming from no where in all, I thought I would be there forever but now that I'm out I don't ever want to get trapped there again." I realized that I said quite a lot of things so I just stopped, flushing red of embarassment. I looked at Harry's face expecting him to be bored to death but instead his face looked intrested and amazed.

"Wow that's amazing, I didn't realize you were so smart. I find that adorable on a girl." He shot me a wink and continued, "You made a big decision leaving your family in all but I bet they're proud of you, cause I am." He reached over and grabbed both of my hands and we just sat there staring into each others eyes. It was perfect.

"Entertainment and dessert time!!!" Someone yelled while walking through the door, I looked over to find the one and only Louis Tomlinson in a little suit with a big tray and this huge cake or something on it. Right behind him walked the one and only blonde Irish boy we called Niall Horan.

Me and Harry both laughed. I wonder what he did to get them to do this. First Liam was our waiter and now Louis and Niall were going to entertain us, oh I couldn't wait to see this.

Louis cut the cake and gave me the biggest piece ever!

"I don't think I can eat all this Louis." I told him with huge eyes.

"Oh I know, you and Harry are going to share it." He said with a wink.

I looked at Harry flushing red and laughed a little bit, he grinned at me which made me blush even more. He took a fork and got a piece of the huge cake infront of us and put it to my mouth and nodded his head showing me to take a bite. I did and it had to be the best cake I have ever had in my life. I grinned and nodded and then took a fork and got him a piece to eat. It looked like he liked it too. I wonder what it looked like, us sitting there feeding each other.

I looked at Harry and he had a little evil grin on his face. Before I knew it he took his finger and wiped it across the cake getting icing on his finger and he leaned over and wiped it over my nose.

Louis, Niall, and Harry all started cracking up. I chuckled to myself but I was going to get revenge. While everyone was clutching their stomachs laughing so hard, not paying attention to anything I reached to the cake got a big chunk in both of my hands and chucked them at Louis and Niall, it hit them square in the face. Before Harry could react and take cover I took another piece chucked it his face.

He looked cute even with cake all over his face. They all did.

"I will get you back for that love." Harry said getting up and running over to me with his arms spread open.

Before I knew it he lifted me up and was spinning me around and then he stopped and put me down and put his forehead on mine getting icing all over my forehead.

"Is that all you got?" I asked him with a grin on my face.

Before he answered cake was all over my head, face, and in my hair. I turned around and Niall and Louis had the pan where the cake was but now it was all over me!

They were laughing so hard I thought they were going to die. It was pretty funny actually, they got me good.

"Group hahahaha hug!" Harry said while trying to stop laughing.

We all got in a big circle and hugged each other, I tried to smear some cake on them but it didn't really work it just smeared it all over me again.

"What did I miss?" Liam said, apparently he had walked in and saw us. He had this huge shocked look on his face and then he smiled a little.

"Wanna hug?" I said to him with my arms wide open.

"I'll pass." He said chuckling.

We all just stood there laughing at the mess we made. Icing and cake was everywhere.

Then we all realized we were going to have to clean it all up, but who cares? We probably would have fun doing it anyways.


Author's Note:

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I kind of just thought of it right on the spot. I think getting in a food fight with them would be amazing! I think this chapter turned out to be pretty long. I know not a lot of people are reading this but if you are please recommend it to your friends, it would mean a lot. I still have a lot of things planned for this story so its not even close to being finished! Well hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm going to try to update every day again. (:

Love, Kaylea <3

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