Chapter Eleven- Heads on Shoulders

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After about 5 minutes of fighting about what we were going to watch we finally reached a decision. We decided to watch "The Descent". I hadn't seen it before so I wasn't sure if I should be scared or not. Actually none of them had seen it, they just bought it for the heck of it a little while back.

Niall went and made popcorn, ofcourse. So we all got settled down. Louis, Liam, and Niall had the big couch, Zayn and Jenny both sat on the floor infront of the couch, and then me and Harry were on the smaller couch.

About thirty minutes into the movie, Liam was passed out. I bet he would have stayed up if we watched Toy Story. Louis being the little prankster he is, drew a mustache on Liam's face. The movie was good so far but it wasn't really scary so me and Harry were just sitting there, not making any moves.

Then when I thought the movie couldn't get scary, it did. I jumped out of my seat when the girl was going back and forth with the camera and the thing was behind the one girl. It was freaking scary! Everyone looked at me and laughed. I guess they saw it coming. Harry snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Its alright love. Nothing is going to get you." He whispered in my ear.

I just layed my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie. It was getting freaky. At some parts I would turn my head into Harry's neck. I usually don't get this scared at movies, but there was something about this movie that creeped me out.

The one thing that I hated more than anything in the world was the sound of bones breaking. It just creeped me out. It was gross. So when a girl broke her leg and the bone came out and then they tried to shove the bone back in, you can bet that I basically was digging my head into Harry's shoulder and covering my ears. He patted my head slowly and gently, "Everything is alright, are you okay gorgeous?"

"Yeah I just hate the sound of bones breaking, I had a bad experience when I was little and ever since then I just can't hear that noise." I told him. He grabbed my hand and held it letting me know that he was here for me.

By the end of the movie, Jenny was asleep on Zayn's shoulder and he had his head on hers, he was asleep also. Niall was also passed out with his head in the popcorn bowl. I snapped a picture of him so I could use it on him later. So the only ones up were me, Harry, and Louis. He looked like he could pass out any minute.

"Boobear why don't you go up to bed? You look like your about to fall asleep." Harry said giving him a tap on the shoulder.

Louis looked up, half dead, "I would but I don't want to leave you guys alone," a smile went along his lips and he winked at me, "Just kidding guys, goodnight Kaylea. I hope to see you again. Goodnight Hazza." He came and gave me a kiss on my forehead and gave Harry a hug.

I looked up at Harry and he looked so tired, "Harry, thanks for such a great night. You're tired I can tell, so you can drive me and Jenny home and we'll have to hang later. I mean only if you want to, its up to you." Suddenly I was nervous, I don't know why.

"Ofcourse love, I want to see you as much as I can. And thank you for such a wonderful night. I'll go get the car ready, try to get Jenny up." He said to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked outside.

"Jenny, Jenny, its time to go." I tried shaking her gently trying not to wake up Zayn. Well my plan failed, his eyes popped open, it about scared me half to death. "Oh sorry Zayn, I was just trying to wake Jenny up were about to leave."

"Oh no its fine, I'm glad you woke me up, I wanted to tell her goodnight and give her my number." Zayn said.

It made me smile, so he did like her. I was happy for Jenny. "Oh well you can get her up and get that done, just tell her I'll be out in the car with Harry waiting." I told him, he nodded.

"Goodnight Kaylea, nice meeting you." Zayn said.

I walked out to the car and got in the passenger seat. Harry looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't help but blush, his smile just did something to me.

"Jenny will be out in a minute, Zayn wanted to get her number and tell her goodnight." I said.

"Yeah, thats what he wants to do! They're probably snogging right now." He said laughing.

They probably were, but who cares I was here with Harry and thats all that mattered.

I didn't want this night to end.  

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