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"That wasn't part of the deal! You said you wouldn't touch him!" The rage of the ebony hedgehog flooded the room almost immediately.

"You made the decision to contact him. You think we can't see everything you do on your phone? We see everything. He was getting in the way." Commander Tower sighed. "It probably would have done him better if we just killed him, considering what we found him doing."

"You'd better be greatful that I haven't already come over there and fucking killed you!"

"Shadow?" A feminine voice emerged from the doorway.

"Rouge, stay out of this." Shadow growled.

"Your little friend broke our deal."

"I didn't break shit! You caused harm to Sonic, and now I'm going to kill you." He glanced back at Rouge. "You don't want to get involved."

"No, I think I'll help you. I know Blue means a lot to you."

"Yeah, and you expect me to go home and not help you?" Sonic chuckled, a lightness in his voice Shadow hadn't heard in weeks. Though, where he had appeared from was a mystery.

"Sonic, you shouldn't be here." He warned. "What if you get hurt? What then?"

"Then I stand back up and keep fighting!" Shadow scoffed.

"That's not what I meant." He pulled out his gun from its holster, loading it. "And I can handle this on my own."

A quiet chuckle was heard before Shadow and Rouge fell to the ground.

"Shadow! What- What's happening?!"

"They forgot about the chips."

Sonic growled and took off in a spin dash, crashing into oncoming soldiers before targeting the commander. He impacted him with a speed and force that knocked the device out of his hand, presumably the device controlling the others' microchips.

Suddenly, the room flooded with more G.U.N agents, all turning against their fellow agents. Sonic raced around, knocking some of them out. Rouge quickly flew up, grabbing some by their collars and whipping them into a wall, while Shadow quickly but accurately shot at them.

Sonic and Shadow had found themselves fighting together, using both their abilities to their advantage.

"They forget we're their best weapons." Shadow smirked.

And then only a few men remained. Unbeknownst to them, though, these agents were only a distraction.

Sonic noticed the commander stabilizing again, fumbling for the device. He curled up again, readying for a spin dash. As he shot forward, the commander shot him with a taser gun, sending mostly harmless volts through his now uncurled form. Two soldiers grabbed his lip arms, dragging him away.

"Sonic!" Shadow yelled, alerted by the shift in energy.

The commander regained control of their microchips, forcing them both back to the ground, clutching the agonizing pain in their head.

"What choice do you have now but to surrender? We have the 'uncontrolled extraterrestrial'. Do you not realize this was the plan all along?" Tower barked at them. "Though, having the world's strongest living weapon is always a treat. Ms. Rouge, you understand you could have listened to your comrade? Then I would not have to condemn you as well."

"You-... You should expect nothing less." She growled. "I've worked for you for years."

Shadow prodded for Rouge to continue distracting the commander as he desperately attempted to regain his bearings. He reached behind him, grabbing his previously lost gun, and fired a fast bullet at the commander, landing in his shoulder. The impact knocked the device to the floor, freeing the agents from the pain. Shadow sped to the commander, landing a sharp kick to his head, knocking him out.

"I'm impressed." Rouge smiled.

"I'm not. I let them take him."

I'm answering the aged, most frequently asked question in this fic: who are they? Picture little depressed emo me, 13 years old, only about 6 months into the Sonic series. I knew the main cast, had played maybe two or three games (would be bold to assume I finished them), and I had only really comprehended the Sonadow trope through badly-written wattpad fics and Pinterest. This was pre-ao3 Astor, unfortunately. "They" were supposed to be Black Doom, who I had vaguely heard of. I though he was a part of G.U.N, but wasn't sure, so I left it as a placeholder Now, it's Commander Tower, who makes a ton more sense. No more divine power that didn't even make sense, and certainly no mysterious italicized pronoun. For new readers, this doesn't mean anything to you. For returning readers aren't you so proud of me lol

Thanks for reading! Love y'all

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