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Sonic opened his eyes to the dark abyss of what looked to be Shadow's bedroom. It was probably midnight, judging by the sky outside his window. Why was he here? Where was Shadow? What was this pain in his side, and why was he holding a chaos emerald?

Shadow emerged from the bathroom, a tired look in his eyes. He froze at the sight of his counterpart, completely distraught.

"Shadow?" Sonic asked weakly."What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Do you not remember?" He asked desperately. "You used the chaos emerald, and when I found you, you were bleeding out. You told me you were tired. Someone attacked you, Elias maybe?"

"Yeah... Yeah. Elias. He was here, he..." He trailed off. "Fuck, he shot me."

He searched his side frantically, only to find a faint red mark, maybe broken blood vessels.

"The chaos emerald healed you." Shadow confirmed.

"And Elias is gone!"

"He is?"

"Yes! I used the chaos emerald to send him... somewhere. Not in this plane of existence."

"So you essentially destroyed him." Shadow stated matter-of-factly. "And you're alive."

"And I'm alive!" He repeated. "See? I was fine."

"You could have died." Shadow growled.

"It's not like I could control him!" He looked at his lover, who seemed to be trembling. "Hey, what's-"

"You can't keep scaring me like that." Shadow whispered shakily.

"But I'm here, Shads."

"But you couldn't have been! I had to fight the fucking chaos emerald into your hands! And you're acting like it didn't happen, you're acting like you didn't just get fucking shot, you're acting like he wasn't just in our home, waiting for me to leave so he could attack you!" He cried. "You're acting as if you didn't shove the emerald away, telling me you're too tired. You're acting as if I didn't just sit here for over twelve hours waiting for any sign of life, scared that I would never fucking see you again."

Shadow's teeth were barred and anger was radiating off his shoulders but there were tears welling in his eyes and you could hear the crack in his voice.

"He fucked up your legs. He used your body. He continued to ambush you and you're acting like everything is ok."

"It is ok! He's in the past now."

"He fucking shot you today! He could have killed you! And you didn't want to be saved! You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that everything is okay because it's not, and you know that!" He yelled. "And I get it. You're trying to get over it as quickly as possible. You've always been that way. You will be on the verge of death and then pretend like nothing ever happened, but you're fucking scaring me!"

"I always turn out okay."

"You're not listening! One day, you're not going to turn out okay. Elias and Eggman were powerful, and yes, they're gone now, but you know firsthand that they are not the only threats this world harbours. One day, you'll have to catch your breath, and one day, it could be your last." Shadow took a breath, a single tear rolling down his muzzle. "I know I'm going to outlive you. It's in my code. But I don't want to lose you before I have to, and at this rate, you may as well die tomorrow."

"I won't die tomorrow, Shadow."

"I'm sure that's what Maria said the day before..." He trailed off, more tears falling from his eyes.

Sonic pulled his lover onto the bed and into his arms, feeling an overwhelming shift in emotion and a wet sensation on his shoulder. Shadow was crying.

"I cant lose you." He muttered, muffled by Sonic's fur. "You keep telling me I won't, but you keep ending up on the verge of death."

"It's a hero's job, isn't it?"

"Stop." He mumbled.

"It's over, Shadow. Officially, forever."

Sonic's eyes widened at the spots of blood on his lover's pants. Of course he had done it.

"Shadow?" No response. His rival's breathing had evened out, indicating he was asleep. The cerulean hedgehog laid back, careful not to wake the other, and closed his eyes.

Maybe he would ask him in the morning.

fastest i've ever gotten a chapter done!!! writing this instead of studying for finals

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