Chapter 1

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Lord Wind Master and Lord Earth Master went to interact with Shi Wudu, Ling Wen, and Pei Ming who had also just appeared, they all had grave expressions.

   There was then another burst of white light in their proximity, this time it blinded all four of them. Xie Lian covered his face and waited for the light to fade away. No one else seemed to notice, but the light left something behind, it was a..... sheet of paper!

Xie Lian started to walk towards it before he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder,
"Gege, it could be dangerous, why don't you let your servants look at it instead?"

Mu Qing and Feng Xin glared at the comment but didn't say anything.
"San Lang, they aren't my servants, they're heavenly officials of the Upper Court. It's not like I'll die anyway," he assured him.

San Lang frowned,
"Gege, even though you can't die, that doesn't mean you can't get hurt. Let me look at it."
"Why don't we look at it together?"
Mu Qing walked closer,
"Why don't you just look at the paper and get it over with!"
Mu Qing and Feng Xin both walked over to stand behind Xie Lian to get a view of the paper.

Xie Lian and San Lang crouched down to take a look at the paper without picking it up. Xie Lian scanned the contents of the paper before speaking again,
"It appears to be a message, probably the reason why we were brought here."
Feng Xin and Mu Qing looked at the paper as well before they exchanged a look with each other. Feng Xin spoke first,
"Your Highness, how do you know what this says? It's in an entirely different language."

San Lang looked over as well,
"I can't read it either Gege. I don't recognize this language."
Xie Lian was puzzled, it didn't appear to be a different language.
"I'm not sure, it doesn't look like a different language, perhaps it's a kind of array that only affects me?"

Mu Qing rolled his eyes,
"Count on His Highness' luck to be the only one affected."
Feng Xin furrowed his brow,
"Don't pay attention to him Your Highness, what does it say?"

"It says,
Welcome to the reaction room. You all may be wondering what this place is and why you were brought here, I will answer all of the necessary questions."
Xie Lian thought for a moment,
"We're the audience, that must mean we were brought here to be shown something."

Feng Xin crossed his arms,
"If that's the case, what are we meant to be shown? What else does it say?"
"You've been brought here to view the affairs of the future and the past. This will shed light on a couple of things unclear as of yet."

Mu Qing rolled his eyes and sneered,
"The future? Who do they think they're fooling? How would it be possible to show the future in such clarity?"

San Lang spoke up again,
"Either way, we're here now, regardless of if we believe their words or not, we have no choice but to listen to what they have to show us."
"San Lang is right, let me read the rest of the paper."

Xie Lian's eyes scanned the remaining contents of the page,
"The main character of this viewing is His Highness the Crown Prince of Xianle. It is in your best interests to watch what is being displayed. Turn over the paper to see where your seats are."

Xie Lian looked kind of embarrassed,
"Why is this viewing focused on me? Why is it important that we pay attention to what it wants to show us?"
Mu Qing smirked,
"Your Highness, you're truly quite the character, perhaps it's focused on you because you manage to cause trouble in the Heavenly realm again."

Feng Xin's expression grew dark,
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Mu Qing turned towards him,
"What else is there to be said? His Highness probably stirred up trouble in the Heavenly Realm once again. This time he did something truly extraordinary for someone to want to stop it from ever happening in the future!" He grinned vindictively. Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he had no rebuttal for that accusation.

San Lang's expression grew even darker, and even though he hadn't said anything, Xie Lian felt that he was very upset. So he intervened,
"Alright that's enough, we don't know what they want to show us yet. If I truly cause such havoc in the future, the Heavens can decide my punishment."
San Lang finally looked up and said,
"But, what if the Heavens are the ones in the wrong?"

Silence ensued upon them, although the other heavenly officials were still preoccupied amongst themselves, the silence between the four of them was still uncomfortable.

Xie Lian cleared his throat,
"How can I decide if the Heavens are wrong? Whatever the case, we just need to watch what is being displayed and decide whether to believe it or not."

Feng Xin and Mu Qing each had complicated expressions on their faces as they looked at him. San Lang looked unhappy but he didn't question Xie Lian anymore.
"Let's look at our seating arrangements,
1st row: Ling Wen Zhen Jun, General Ming Guang, Lord Water Master, and His Highness Tai Hua.
2nd row: General Nan Yang, General Xuan Zhen, Lord Wind Master, and Lord Earth Master.
3rd row: Pei Junior, His Highness Xianle, San Lang, and Yin Yu. It appears that not everyone is listed here, that probably means everyone else can sit anywhere in the other available seats provided."

Xie Lian turned to the two generals,
"General Nan Yang, General Xuan Zhen."
They both flinched and looked at him.
"Could you help me get everyone in their seats? I don't think they'd listen to me."

After informing the other heavenly officials of the situation, everyone started to settle in their seats. Xie Lian helped guide the people who had assigned seats, even the Three Tumors seemed to accept the situation, and really,  what other choice did they have?

"Gege, why don't we head to our seats as well?"
"Yes, that's right San Lang, General Nan Yang, General Xuan Zhen," he bowed in gratitude, "Thank you for your assistance, you should both head to your seats as well. The viewing will probably only start after everyone has taken their seats."

They both looked reluctant to leave, but they begrudgingly left to claim their seats.
After everyone had been seated, including
Xie Lian and San Lang, the peculiar device on the wall lit up and the room darkened. On the spiritual device, they could only think of it as such, there was displayed text.
Chapter 1: The Scrap Immortal, Third Time Entering The Heavenly Capital.

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