Chapter 6

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He was the core of his people. The king and queen dearly missed their son, so they built temples everywhere for him. They built caves and carved statues for the people to worship him. The more the worshippers, the longer a god's lifespan, and the stronger they'd be.

Thus, their influence reached its peak with incomparable glory for a couple of years. That is until three years later, when Xianle flew into calamity.

'Truly the higher you climb, the harder you fall. We are what the people say we are. Even if they praise us endlessly, once we disappoint them they cast us out like garbage," Pei Ming shook his head.

The king's tyranny and the uprising was the source of this mess. Even when the flames of war raged on, the heavenly officials couldn't lift a finger. Unless it had to do with demons and ghosts, they couldn't interfere. There was trouble everywhere, everyone felt their side was right. If they fought, wouldn't it just cause endless unrest?

You would back your country today, and the next someone would avenge their descendants. If the gods involved themselves in mortal affairs and fought each other over every single issue then wouldn't the Sun and Moon lose their light?

The crown prince, in this case, was even more important not to become suspicious. But he did not care for such things, he told the heavenly emperor,
"I want to save the common people."

San Lang looked over to Xie Lian who had been spacing out,
"It was a foolish thing to say," daze interrupted, he looked over and smiled slightly,
"Yes," he agreed.

Feng Xin heard this and frustratingly said,
"Even though it was foolish, it was also brave! I doubt you'd have the courage to do it!"
Mu Qing crossed his arms and didn't say anything,
"Yes, His Highness is the bravest and most noble of character," he sarcastically said.
Feng Xin glared at Mu Qing,
"If it's nothing in favor of His Highness, keep your mouth shut!"

But San Lang ignored both of them and said,
"But, although foolish, it's also brave."
Xie Lian looked over to him, surprised. He smiled softly and said nothing.

Even the heavenly emperor who had thousands of years worth of divine might, didn't dare to say those words. You could only imagine what he felt, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he only said,
"You cannot save everyone."

The crown prince confidently replied,
"I can."
This done, he descended to the mortal realm unhesitatingly.

'His Highness... is truly an admirable person, even if he failed, he has more backbone than most heavenly officials.
I want to become good friends with him, 'Shi Qingxuan thought and cheerfully smiled.

The people of Xianle rejoiced at their god's return. But, folktales from the ancient times always made an effort to come from truth: whenever gods descended without permission, nothing good ever came from it.

The war did not extinguish at all, in fact, it raged even more. It wasn't that the crown prince didn't try, but it would've been better if he hadn't. The more he tried, the worse it got. The people of Xianle were battered and suffered severely. A plague ran rampant in the entirety of the imperial city. The rebels rampaged the palace and the war was over.

If Xianle was already hanging by a string, then the crown prince was the one who directly snapped it.

San Lang clenched his fist and didn't utter a word.

After the country perished, people can to a realization. Their crown prince whom they worshipped wasn't as strong or perfect as they had imagined.

To say it bluntly,
Wasn't he just an incompetent
good-for-nothing? The One who couldn't accomplish anything good?

"The common people are unworthy," he muttered through gritted teeth. Xie Lian didn't know what to say to this, whether to object or not, so he said nothing.

There was nowhere else to vent the suffering of losing their families and their homeland, so they destroyed all of the crown prince's temples and the palace. They pushed down all of his statues and burned his temples.

Those very eight thousand temples his parents had built for worship had burned for seven days and seven nights until only ash was left.

That martial god who protected the peace and prosperity of his country was gone. What was born from him was a god of misfortune who brought tragedy and calamity.

If the people said you were a god, you were a god, if they said you were trash, you were trash. You were whatever they said you were. That was how it had been for centuries.

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