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Even though I like to write, I've always been the kind of person who doesn't like to share their writing. And I randomly woke up one day wanting to try my hand at writing a fanfic. Part of it was me wanting to become a better writer, some of it was because I liked TGCF, and the rest of it, probably arrogance. I was so certain that I could give the characters accurate reactions, but along the way my writing just kept getting worse.

My favorite part about posting chapters was, by far, reading the comments. I wanted to read what you had to say. It let me know when I was doing something right, and I guess vice-versa when there were no comments. But, every time I would post a new chapter, each one felt worse than the last, and I didn't know if anyone else could tell. No one mentioned anything, but I could feel the decline, and I couldn't fix it.

I felt like a fraud, in the beginning I felt like I had a good grasp of the characters, and that same understanding I thought I had proceeded to deteriorate with every chapter posted.

I made characters act overkill and cringey, and it was to the point where I couldn't think of how the characters would react at all. I thought that if I waited a few months, I could write again, but I can't.

Thank you for reading anyway, and I really am sorry to disappoint you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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