Chapter 17

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The fair hands adorned in silver was cold and lifeless, but there was some malicious intent. Xie Lian had only fallen to test the young man.

Shi Qingxuan was shocked and wasn't sure what to say, he had already heard of His Highness's encounter with Crimson Rain, but he had never expected that encounter to be so... so tender!
'At least His Highness didn't actually trip?' he thought.

Ruoye had been prepared to strike the moment the young man would attack. But, the young man simply held onto his hand and guided him forward.

Xie Lian's vision was blurred because of the veil over his face. And he stalled by walking very slowly. The young man just simply matched his pace.

His other hand, however, was holding onto Xie Lian, as if preparing to catch him if he were to fall again. Although, Xie Lian was on guard, in his head he thought,
'If this is the bridegroom, he's really considerate and gentle.'

'Is that really what you were worried about in that moment?! Not even that it might've been a trick?!' The officials thought tirelessly.

And at that moment, he heard a ringing sound. With every single step they took, it rang. When he wondered what the ringing sound could be, he heard the muffled rustling noises in the forest surrounding them in all directions.

There were wolves! Xie Lian shifted, Ruoye flew off his wrist and slowly prepared to attack. But, before he could do anything, the young man patted the back of his hand. Almost as if he was comforting him and telling him not to worry.

'Do you have no survival instincts?!'
Feng Xin thought angrily, how could he hold hands with a stranger, nonetheless a man! And even compliment him saying how gentle and considerate he is!

Xie Lian was slightly taken aback, but the growls from the wolves had already started to die down. But, upon a closer listen, he realized that rather than growling, the wolves had been whimpering.

It was the sound of a beast all too terrified to move, on its deathbed. That just increased Xie Lian's curiosity. He wanted to lift the veil over his face to see the man's face, but that wouldn't have been appropriate to do so.

Xie Lian could feel the judgement and curiosity all pinpointed towards him, what was he supposed to say? More like, how could he explain himself? He didn't know why Hua Cheng had treated him that way either!

Hence, he could peek through the veil. He saw the hem of the red robe, and under the red robe was a pair of black boots, walking at a medium pace.

That pair of boots were tightly folded, hugging slender and straight calves. It was pleasing to the eye whenever he walked. Hanging from those boots was two silver chains. Every step he took, the jingling sound from the chains could be heard.

'....Your Highness...? Is there anything you want to tell us..? There's no way! His Highness can't be a cut-sleeve! And especially not towards a ghost king!' The officials thought, all of their thoughts in turmoil.

His steps were carefree and brief, making him seem more youthful, like a teenager. But his steps were firm, no one could block his path. If anyone tried, they would be crushed to pieces. Because of this, Xie Lian couldn't be sure what kind of person this man was.

As he was wondering this, he saw a white object on the ground in his peripheral vision. A skull. He paused for a moment. He could see something off about it, it was placed in a peculiar way.

That must've been the array that had been set. He was worried that if he touched it, the array would suddenly attack that very spot.

'Valid concern, it might be slightly inconvenient.' Mu Qing thought sarcastically.

But the teenager's steps didn't stop, they just kept moving onwards. Just as he was thinking of whether to warn him or not, he heard a cracking sound. He looked down to see that the skull had been crushed under the teenager's foot.

'If Crimson Rain Sought Flower hadn't been collaborating with the 'Ghost Bridegroom', why was he there?' Ling Wen thought. The situation just kept getting stranger and stranger. He couldn't have just come specifically for His Highness... right?

The teenager indifferently kept walking as if nothing had happened.
"...." He had crushed the entire array with one step. The teenager's footsteps stopped. Xie Lian was unsure if he should attack him now. But the teenager started walking again, only pausing momentarily.

After the next two steps, there was the sound of muffled dripping sounds, like rain hitting the top of an umbrella. It appeared that the teenager had pulled out an umbrella to shield them from rain.

Not just any rain! Xie Lian hadn't been able to properly see the rain, but they sure as hell could, that was no normal rain, it was blood rain!

Even though he knew it wasn't the right moment, Xie Lian couldn't help but praise him for his consideration. But he was still confused, "Is it raining right now?"

'So you do know it's inappropriate?'
Mu Qing thought.

Dark mountain, a lush green forest. In the deep of the mountains, howls of the wolves could be heard. It wasn't clear whether it was result of what had just occurred, there was a faint stench of blood in the air.

That scene was strange, but oddly enchanting. That teenager was holding him in one arm and was holding the umbrella with his other hand. They were slowly treading forward, a leisurely and affectionate rendezvous.

'Wow, how nice!' Shi Qingxuan thought sarcastically, he was now worried for His Highness's mental state.

The rain came and went. Soon, the droplets on the umbrella faded away. The teenager stopped to put the umbrella away. At the same time, he withdrew his arm and took a step closer to Xie Lian.

'Run Your Highness! He might actually make you his bride!' The officials thought.

The teenager outstretched his hand towards the veil covering Xie Lian's face and started to lift it up. Xie Lian had been waiting patiently for this very moment, he stood very still as the teenager began to lift the veil.

Then the silk ribbon, Ruoye, began to move. It wasn't that there had been any malicious intent, but he had to strike first in order to gain an advantage.

But, when Ruoye attacked the teenager holding the veil, he scattered into thousands of butterflies. Even though right now really wasn't the time either, Xie Lian couldn't help but admire the scene that had been right in front of him. It had truly been beautiful.

It had been pretty, but that's not the most pressing issue right now!

A silver butterfly flew by his head. He wanted to take a closer look at it, but the butterfly had already merged with the rest of the butterflies in a breeze of silver.

Altogether, they transformed together in the night, filling the night sky with majestic silver light. Flapping their wings in the sky. Xie Lian stared at this for a moment before regaining his mind,
'So, is he the bridegroom or not?'

'No!' The officials internally shouted.

It didn't seem like he was. If he was, those wolves would've been his own subordinates. But they had been afraid of him. And the array on the road should've been the bridegroom's, but he crushed it.

But if he wasn't the bridegroom, then why had he appeared? The more he thought of it, the more puzzled he was. He placed Ruoye over his shoulder,
'Forget about it, he could just be passing by. Some time has passed, I need to get back to business.' He thought.

'I think he came specifically for you, Your Highness. Why else would he guide you right to where the seventeen brides were taken?'
The officials were trying to keep their heads, but this whole situation was simply too shocking for them.
'There's no way Crimson Rain Sought Flower could be.... a... a cut-sleeve!'

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