Chapter 8

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"Is the situation better now?" Xie Lian asked, Ling Wen replied with,
"No, I'm still working on it."
"I was talking about the heavenly official..."

Ling Wen said,
"That heavenly official was a martial god. He immediately slashed the bell in two. Look at that golden palace over there, do you see it?"

She pointed her hand again, Xie Lian looked in that direction,
"I see it this time."

"It's wrong if you see it, there's supposed to be nothing there," she said.


Xie Lian was about to apologize again before stopping himself. He had always been good at apologizing.

"When you ascended, it toppled many pillars and tiles of the palaces of heavenly officials. It'll take a while for them to be repaired, hence why they had no choice but to build new ones."

"And I'm the one at fault?"
"You're the one at fault," she confirmed.

Some of the heavenly officials sighed in pity, I mean, it's not as if he meant to cause so much trouble, his luck has just always been the worst.

"Just how many heavenly officials did I offend when I've just ascended?" He nervously said.
"If you can make amends, perhaps not."
"How can I make amends?"
"Easy, 8.88 million merits."

"Your Highness! You poor soul, it wasn't even your fault! If I had known I would've payed off those merits for you." Xie Lian smiled,
"There's no need for that, I was the one who caused trouble, naturally I should be the one to pay it back. Luckily I was given an opportunity to make things right."
"If you say so," Shi Qingxuan sighed and shook his head.

Xie Lian smiled. Ling Wen said,
"Of course I already know you don't have even a tenth of that."
"How do I say this? Although I'm very sorry, even if you only wanted a
ten-thousandth of that, I don't have it," he admitted.

He gloomily asked,
"If you kick me down now, will you give me those 8.88 million merits?"
"I'm a civil god, ask a martial god to do it, the harder they kick, the more merits you'll receive."

"Gege, you wouldn't actually do that, right?" Xie Lian averted his eyes. San Lang stared at him intently, not looking away,
"Gege, promise me you'll never do that."
Xie Lian finally looked at him feeling embarrassed,
"Okay... I promise."

Xie Lian sighed,
"Let me think about what I'll do." Ling Wen patted his shoulder,
"Your Highness, not to worry, when the cart reaches the mountain there'll be a way."
"I'm afraid once the boat reaches the bridgehead it will sink."

If it had been eight hundred years ago, Xianle would've been at the peak of its prosperity, it wouldn't have been difficult to get those 8.88 million merits. His Highness could've payed it all without batting an eye, but naturally that was only in the past.

Now, all of his temples had been burned and not a single one remained. There were no believers, which meant there was also no incense and no merits.

"Gege, how do you know for certain that you have no more believers?" San Lang asked. Xie Lian looked at him and wistfully said,
"My last believer perished a long time ago."
"You don't think they're still out there somewhere?"
"I saw it happen," he said in a calm and quiet voice. San Lang stared at him softly.

There was no saying anything, there was nothing, nothing at all!

Xie Lian crouched down in the heavenly city for a long while, and he also had a headache. He then remembered that it had already been three days since he had ascended, and he still didn't have the password to the upper court's communication array. He had forgotten to ask.

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