Chapter 19

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He was a man and therefore taller than the rest of the brides. At a glance, the ghost probably wouldn't have been able to tell there was an extra bride, but at a glance he could  spot a bride taller the rest!

He quickly calmed himself thinking it over again. Yes, he was tall, but unlike the other brides his hair was only done simply by Xiao-Ying. The other brides all had ostentatious hairstyles reaching towards the heavens, some even wearing phoenix crowns. With all of these factors combined, he shouldn't look too out of place.

While thinking of this, another "swishing" noise passed by his head, from merely two feet away. And after another moment, it sounded again, this time closer.
Xie Lian noticed at last what the ghost bridegroom was doing.

"His Highness needs to attack now, while he has the element of surprise." Shi Qingxuan thought.

The ghost was lifting the veils of each bride individually, looking at the faces of the corpses one by one!
This was Xie Lian's moment to strike, Ruoye shot toward the ghost bridegroom with volatile speed.
And as he heard a loud sound, dark fog clouded his face. Unsure of whether the fog was poisonous, he quickly held his breath, covering his mouth and nose.

He ordered Ruoye to whip and fan to disperse the dark fog. He kept hearing the same "Thump thump thump!" sound all around the temple. As he narrowed his eyes, he saw a small shadow speed past the entranceway of the temple. The door flew open and the dark fog flooded towards the forest.

'It's escaping now, so the others now need to be wary", Shi Qingxuan again, thought. Those mortals wouldn't be safe left to their own devices.

'It's very lucky that 'Fu Yao' and 'Nan Feng' decided to do a charity project.' Pei Ming again pondered the idea for a minute,
His Highness surely isn't dumb, even if he doesn't know for sure now, he has to suspect it...     in any case, the losses would've been devastating had those two not been there. The situation really left outsiders to wonder.

"Shixiong, this might very well only be the surface level of Qi Rong's plan." Pei Ming said, looking over to Shi Wudu.
"Yes, I think that's a possibility as well, but we still need more information on it to be sure."
He responded, they would need to investigate off of the information they would receive from the spiritual device, however long it would be before it finished.

A wrath, yes, that was what Qi Rong was, a wrath, and also relatively a pain in the ass for the Heavenly Court.

Xie Lian promptly decided to bolt after it. But, not even after a few steps into the forest, the forest bursted ablaze, the blended red and oranges of the fire lighting up the parameter of the area.

From a distance away he heard shouts and fighting,
That young man's voice rang out into the night with clarity.
"Catch that freak and banish evil for the good of the people!" And repeated those words twice before adding, "We'll divide the reward equally!"

It was that troublesome young man again, Xie Lian felt a tinge of bitterness for the man in his heart.

'Even His Highness felt bad for Xuan Ji, it's impressive that you can make him dislike you'.
Ling Wen thought,
she hadn't known him very well, but her impression of him was one who doesn't hold grudges, not even towards the generals that were said to have abandoned him. But, then again, she knew better than anyone that rumors weren't to be trusted. There could be more to the story, in any case... that's their business.

Those group of men said they'd go up the mountain, and they actually went. It wouldn't have been an issue if they hadn't been able to find the place because of the array. But, that array had been shattered under the foot of the young man clad in red.
Hence, they actually found the place. And the very direction they were walking from had been where the Ghost Bridegroom had fled to!

"Stop! Don't move!" Xie Lian yelled, lifting Ruoye, and startling everyone. Before he could open his mouth to speak again, that same troublesome young man spoke,

"Young miss! The Ghost Bridegroom captured you, right? We're here to rescue you, you don't have to worry anymore!"

Xie Lian was slightly taken aback by this, finding it a little funny. He remembered just now that he was still dressed as a bride. He hadn't looked at a mirror, and hence had no idea what he looked like.

But it seemed that Xiao-Ying had done a job decent enough to fool them. The group of men hadn't expected him, but they had really treated him as one of the real brides.

Shi Qingxuan leaned forward, whispering to Xie Lian,
"Your Highness... if... the spiritual device doesn't show us what you looked like..." he narrowed his eyes and went on,
"Yes?" Xie Lian said, smiling cluelessly.
"Could I dress you up like a bride and see for myself?" He said quickly, not giving him time to process the request.

Mu Qing glanced over at Shi Qingxuan and scoffed, muttering something that sounded an awful lot like it included the word, "Unsightly."

Shi Qingxuan paid no mind to him and simply stared Xie Lian down like he owed him money.
Xie Lian blinked and curved his mouth upwards to form an awkward smile,
"I... don't think that's a good idea, I'm sorry but I'll have to decline.." he said slowly.

Shi Qingxuan threw his arm over his head dramatically, closing his eyes and sighing,
"Your Highness, if you hate me, just tell me."

Xie Lian couldn't say anything to that.

The group was just hoping he was the seventeenth bride so they could receive the reward. But anyhow, he couldn't let them just run free like this, not when the Ghost Bridegroom could show itself at any moment.

Two darkly-clothed figures hurried over to him, and Xie Lian called to them,
"Fu Yao, Nan Feng, hurry over here, I need your help!"

But when they approached, the two of them looked shocked and at the same time, both took two steps back.


"Your Highness.... You... look... so..."
Xie Lian waited for the words that would inevitably come out of Lord Wind Master's mouth, saying how hideous and egregious he had looked. He wouldn't take it personally, not when he had seen himself the first time.

But those words never came, confused, he turned back to look at Qingxuan, and his eyes were shining like jewels,
"You look so beautiful! You put even the fairest to shame! Your Highness, what would you say if I said I think I'm in love with you?"

San Lang quirked his brow, immediately changing his facial expression to one of a kicked puppy,
"Gege, you won't abandon me, right?"
"Say it."
"Say what?"
"Say you won't leave me at Puqi Shrine by myself."
"Of course I wouldn't do that."

"Your Highness." Shi Qingxuan drawled on again, "Imagine all of the possibilities...."
"I'll have to decline once again...." Xie Lian said, his head spinning.

"Your Highness."
"Please.... San Lang, you know I wouldn't do that. Lord Wind Master..."
"Call me Qingxuan."
"Qingxuan, I simply cannot."
"Most certainly."

Lord Wind Master sighed, "But we can still be best friends, right?"
"Of course." Xie Lian answered.

Once Xie Lian had turned back around, San Lang stuck his tongue out at Lord Wind Master, out of sight of Xie Lian, and earned one back from him.

"Did you want to marry him?" Ming Yi asked.
"You don't understand, Ming-Xiong, the endless possibilities. Imagine the following we'd get, two peerless beauties of the heavens, we'd be unstoppable!" Qingxuan proudly proclaimed.
"Dream on."

Author's note:
To my dear readers, sorry for the long wait. I have a question to ask you all, would you prefer to have longer chapters and have me upload less frequently, or have shorter chapters and have me upload more frequently?

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