Chapter 48

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Aemond was fuming as Rylen and Alecor tried to placate the quarrel. He wanted a fight with the bastard boys, had wanted one since Jace smirked at him when asking Visenya her favor. He could see now that he would not be allowed such a pleasure as he listened to the words tossed here and there from their group.

He reached for Visenya, meaning to bring her to his side again for comfort, but stopped when he saw her put her hand on the dark haired boy's shoulder. Rylen didn't move from where he was, steadfast in being the target of Jace's anger. "It may not involve me, but I am involved nonetheless, cousin." The word "cousin" was tight and forced, as he shared in a his mother's distain for his half siblings. Alecor was the calmer one between the pair, having more of their father's patience while Rylen burned with the same fire their mother had.

Aemond listened to his brothers words, frowning as Luke spoke and requested Visenya choose between him or them. He didn't think Visenya would choose, for he had seen the torn look in her eyes the night before, and frowned even more when the girl disappeared to comfort her youngest brother when he wandered over. "You're not going to touch her." He said to Jace, sending the boy a firey glare as his aunts and uncles began to make their way over. "She is mine, she has been for longer than you've loved her." He knew of Jace's attraction to Visenya, he had seen it with his own eyes as children, and that alone made him hate the boy all the more. More than his true parentage did.

Rylen was torn at his father's words, just as Alecor was. They had wanted to see the peace, to avoid their parents getting involved, but involved they had become. The pair seemed to hesitate until their mother spoke to support their father's words, both boys glaring at their half siblings as they removed themselves to stand beside their parents.


Rila had calmed down seeing that her suggestion had pleased both men. She fancied her flights with her uncle fondly, for she could race him whenever she wanted when he was at the Keep, something her sister hadn't done with him in some time. She watched their children from where they stood, listening to Harwin's words. "There will be no telling whom started it this time." She commented in a slight irritated tone.

Rila knew her nephews had been instigators to Aemond's tortures as children as much as their own brother had been. She also knew Rhaenyra could not see such things from her sons, she believed them to be on their best behavior at all times. It made Rila sad to think how blinded her sister was, and angered at how fond she was of the boys Harwin had given her. Harwin was her man, her husband. Rhaenyra had had Leanor and then Daemon after Leanor's death, yet she had wanted Harwin. It made her blood boil as she watched the children, following beside her husband, caring not if her uncle and sister joined them.

"Boys." She echoed her husband, seeing their son's hesitation at moving. Rylen and Alecor finally gave in though, and stood on each side of their parents, still glaring at the bastard boys. Rila's purple gaze was staring angrily at Jace, whom she thought had started the fight. She held small love towards her half siblings, and had hated that Aemond had suffered so much to the boy's taunting, but knew better than to think that Harwin's bastards alone were to blame for the fight. "Cease your quarrel." The princess commanded the group, watching as Aemond stared defiantly at her. He seemed to mull over his response to her words, as if testing her fire before he spoke.

"It is but a small misunderstanding." He said to her in tight voice. "Our dear nephews aren't as proud of their parentage as they should be." Rila seemed to bristle further at his words, casting him a dangerous warning look. She was not above hitting her brothers, it was how she disciplined them in their mother's place, and she was not above making the spectacle worse than it was. "Their parentage shouldn't be a topic to be spoken of, dear brother. I warn you for the last time about it, both of you." Her gaze shifted between both her brothers, eyes never looking to the bastard son's of her husbands. "Speak it again, and you will know my wrath." Aemond seemed to bristle at his sister's threat, but said nothing more on the matter. Rila was a terrifying warrior in her own right, she could best him easily with her small size, and he knew if he laid a hand on her he would have to answer to both her husband, his uncle, and his nephews. He had decided he did not want such a pummeling, and remained silent as he stared at her while she looked at the bastards boys that had started the fight.

"And you two," She said, speaking before her sister or uncle could to the boys, frowning in a displeased manner. "Should know better than to let their quips egg your anger. I'm certain your father has raised you better than that." She ignored the pain in her chest as she eyed the young princes closely, as if daring them to speak poorly in front of her.

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