Chapter 46

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Aemond wouldn't deny her her time. He understood how difficult it could be for the girl, to be marrying him despite not wanting to. But he spoke true words, Visenya bore a deeper bond with her brothers than she had with him, even with their little time spent together as children. He watched the blush creep into her cheeks at his words and smiled softly at the sight of it. He liked that he could fluster the girl so easily.

His mother had often said she was a gift to him, for the time they had first announced their betrothal to the present day. And Aemond had believed her words, hence the comment he had given his eldest half sister at the feast the night before. He truly believed Visenya was a blessing to him, for she had a way to cheer him up after the teasing he would get from his brother and their nephews.

Aemond had been happy the girl nestled into his side as he watched the bastard boy before him, offering Visenya no words when she said his name. He smirked at the threatening tone behind Jace's voice, relished in the anger he saw flash in Luke's eyes. He felt his brother's hand on his arm and noticed Alecor had abandoned his family to stand with them. He noticed Alecor had stood beside Jace and Luke, and wondered if he had done it only to support the pair. Either way it made him mad, to see they had his support while he had Aegon's and Rylen's. Rylen knew his brother only stood with their bastard brothers solely to stop Jace from striking the blonde, he could see it in his eyes when Alecor glanced his brother's way.

"I'm certain of it." Aemond replied at his taunt. "You were mighty strong, not falling from your horse. Though Alecor was a better sight to see." He meant no harm bringing Alecor into the argument, only using the boy as fuel to the fire since Harwin showed more praise and attention to his trueborn sons, something he knew would bother the bastard boys more. He was too angry to avoid a fight with the bastards, even if it would displease all their parents. He had not noticed his young aunt watching the group as she conversed with their sister and uncle, his purple gaze remained locked on the boys in front of him as Visenya stepped between them.

Instead of Aemond pulling the girl back, Rylen moved to step up, forcing himself between the pair as he stared hard at his bastard brother, frowning deeply at the boy. "Let them speak what they wish." He told him, placing Visenya behind him and deciding to take the hit for Aemond. "It changes nothing." Rylen and Alecor knew Jace was their true older brother, and while they liked the boy for the most part, they hated how he picked on their uncle. Alecor had moved himself between Jace and Luke, as if there to stop the boy from striking his brother. He would have to whoop his ass for Aemond if Jace put a hand on Rylen. Neither boy seemed to notice the watchful gaze of their mother.


Harwin's seed had been a strong one, producing many children that looked like him, and Rila had spent the years trying to quell the rumors about her husband as best she could. It had been an emotionally exhausting affair, trying to hide her anger and hurt on the matter, and stand steadfast beside the man she adored. She never faulted Harwin for his misgivings - he was but a man, but that didn't mean she had to like them.

She had been happy throughout their years together, that they could still find time for themselves instead of leading boring lives with their children. For the royal family, Rila didn't hold as high a position as her sister did being Rhaenyra was heir to the throne, but she held high enough to still be just as important. She had taken Rhaenyra's place in court when the elder sister had left to Dragonstone the days following the incident with their children and Aemond in regards to him claiming Vhagar. She had learned many secrets from her father, ones only Rhaenyra knew, ones to help keep the peace of the realm.

She watched their sons quietly as she listened to the words around her, listening still as Rhaenyra approached and Harwin and Daemon argued over taking Daerys on dragon back. She frowned at her uncle's words, for he nearly told their secret, and stole a glance at her sister as she silenced him. She was thankful she had, but nevertheless knew if Rhaenyra hadn't sought out Harwin these things wouldn't have come to pass. In her eyes, it was her sister's fault that they were in the mess they were in.

"I will take Daerys on dragonback, Uncle. We can fly together, if that would please you." She said instead, feeling pride in Harwin's words, but guilt at the same time. They had agreed, whatever child grew in her would be there's, but there was no hiding Daerys' remsembalance to Daemon. She was trying to keep things calm between them, especially as she glanced away to watch their children, bristling as her arm slipped away from Harwin's waist at the sight of their youngest son standing between Jace and Visenya. Maybe she should excuse herself from the conversation to stop the ensuing fight she could see brewing between the group.

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