Chapter 44

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Aemond's attention turned to the girl beside him when she took his hand in hers. He looked down at them as he listened quietly to her words. "But you love them more than you do me." He admitted in a somewhat sad tone as he turned his purple eye on hers. The young blonde was doing his best to respect her wishes, but his anger had risen too high to be controlled. He knew, because of his brother's words, things would turn ugly for the princes.

He sipped slow from his second cup of wine, watching the tournament with a fire to his gaze. He decided to speak with Jace after the tournament was over, and see how the boy would interact with him now that he and his sister were to be wed. Although it had been a match to please his mother about his eye, Aemond had fancied the white haired girl for some time. It was a slightly more stronger attraction towards her than that of his feelings towards his own sweet sisters. At her words, he looked at her quietly, holding the cup between them until she touched his cheek. He lowered the drink to his lap as he looked at her, staring defiantly at those pleading purple eyes, torn between wanting to please her and wanting to quarrel with her brothers.

His attention turned to his father as he spoke, and he offered a soft smile towards the fragile man. "Yes Father, we are coming to enjoy our time together." He said softly to the man, his gaze flickering from his mother and sister as he listened to his mother speak. "I hope for at least one child to run around." He commented to his mother and sister as he looked back at Visenya with a soft gleam to his eye. His mothers words were true, Aemond had been sweet on Visenya since they were children, back when he had found himself with a crush on both Heleana and Rila alike.

As the tournament ended and they were greeted by the victors, Aemond stood quietly beside his wife to be as his uncle approached them and handed her his prize. "You did splendidly, Uncle." The young blonde remarked, trying to ignore the anger rising again as Jace took his place in his view. He watched as Visenya greeted her brother joyously, watched as Jace spun her around in his arms and couldn't help but frown at the sight. Visenya was his now, he didn't like how chummy Jace was with the girl. Call it jealousy if you'd like.

"You did well, nephew." He said as he stared at the boy as he straightened his back, his hands falling to his side as he looked at the boy. His arm found it's way around Visenya's waist as the girl spoke, pulling the girl close to his side as he spoke his next words. "Yes, I'm certain your mother would be proud of how strong her son is." Aemond's tone was tight as he noticed Luke take his spot beside Jace, noticing as well that Rylen had wondered from his family's side to stand with the blonde boy and girl, as if to offer his support in their engagement. Rylen and Alecor were friends among all the children, their mother had taught them to be kind, but their father trained them to be strong allies in a battle. Rylen would see that nothing happened, and if something did he would stand in the way to avoid any bloodshed. Jace and Luke fighting with Aemond and Aegon had always seemed to end with a bloody affair, much to their parents dismay.


While Harwin had assured her it had only been that he wanted to treat her properly as to why he hadn't bed her sooner than her fourteenth, Rila had suspected for a long time that he had been sleeping with Rhaenyra to calm his urges. Rila knew Harwin was larger than most men, she knew his fear of her taking him in at such a young age, and with their two year difference, Rhaenyra would have been a perfect replacement for the man in terms of the princesses. And yet it still made her blood boil, for she knew she could have given him a son sooner if he had bedded her on their wedding night. The jokes that were spoken about her husband didn't just pain her, they angered her. Regardless of whatever actions Harwin took, Rila stood fericously beside him, protecting the honor of her husband as he protected hers. And protecting her sister, denying the rumors when she heard them, trying her damnedest to keep the peace between the two elder sisters. She may hate her sister in a way for what she had done, but loved Harwin too much to let him suffer the sour words that people spoke about him.

She squeezed his thigh tighter, sliding her hand up his leg further at his words, wanting the punishment he'd give her in their chambers that night. She had her subtle ways of getting her husband to take her, although the man had no problem taking her wherever he could. There had been many a feast she spent silently mewling at his fingers inside her, growing close to orgasm but never reaching it in the long hours they spent attending such affairs. It had been no secret Harwin had taken her a few times under tables and behind secret curtains in the castle, in times where Rila would have to remain quiet lest break their scandalous acts. The white haired woman watched as he looked her over, relishing under his gaze as she watched his features. She knew how to get Harwin wrapped around her finger, it was an easy feat for the woman, and she relished in knowing she didn't have to do much to get his attention on her in such intimate ways.

Rila had been incredibly proud of her eldest son, pleased with how well he had competed. He brought their little family pride and represented them well enough that he had won his own prize, much like her uncle and nephew had. It did not surprise her in the slightest that Alecor had won, for Harwin was a kind and brutal mentor when it came to training their sons in the art of hand to hand warfare. Rila had trained them in how to fight on dragon back just as ferociously as Daemon did, for he had been the one to teach her. But their boys were young and strong and trained well to take hits, for both aspired to be knights much like their father was. When he approached them, holding his prize in one hand, he was beaming with a grin spread across his lips. "I was nervous I'd get knocked off my mount." He admitted to them, glancing his brothers way as Rylen made his exit towards the bride and groom and briefly wanted to join him in his efforts. Rylen was a strong boy and a good fighter, but the two boys were best together. He chuckled as his father patted his back, grinning all the more as Daerys placed a slobbery kiss on his cheek. "Your big brother will take you on horseback soon, dear sister." He would have said dragon back, but he knew his mother was fond of her flights with the child and didn't want to take that away from her.

As Daemon approached their little family, Rila watched him closely as she felt Harwin pulling her tighter to him. She smiled up at the man, hoping to calm his mood as she wrapped her arm around him as well. Alecor had taken his place beside his mother, to watch the events unfold and be their support with Daemon around. He knew of the relationship his mother had with Daemon, and that Daerys had to be his by blood, but also knew his father's feelings on the matter. He vowed he would do his best to see the peace between the couples where he was able to. At Daemon's request to take Daerys on dragon back, Rila seemed to soften before looking at her husband while Alecor watched his great uncle closely. "You have no problem when I take her on dragon back. Caraxes is a sweet thing towards babes, he would make the flight just as smooth as Iresra does when I take him." She said softly to her husband, concerned Daemon would find offense him his denial to his request. She saw no problem with it, but she hadn't seen a problem with uncle and niece baring a child, so maybe she had a bit of a blinded stance on the matter.

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