Chapter 12

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At the suggestion he'd sire bastards over trueborn sons, Aemond bristled and looked down at his wife to be with annoyance on his face. "I am not my brother. I will not sire bastards." He merely replied as he held the girl close. When she returned to his grasp from the twirl, he looked at her hand on his arm as she braced herself from falling.

"I will not let you fall, but your belly will one day swell with my child. Have you not imagined children of your own?" He could only assume she had, only probably not with him. They had been betrothed since they were children, merely waiting till Visenya had her first bleed before they were to marry, and he'd be dammed if he wouldn't get at least one child from the girl. Aemond had no problem going to brothel's for a need of companionship, but now that he was to have a wife he saw no need in it. His wife could do the same the women in the brothels did.

"I could see you full and happy with my child, even just once." He commented in a slight gentle tone, somewhat hopeful she'd allow him one. Martial rape for the time period was not unheard of, but he didn't want to be one to do it. He wanted his wife to give herself freely to him, not him force himself upon her. He may be an asshole to her brothers, but he was decent to her. She was at least trueborn, unlike her brothers. Well, they at least looked the same compared to the strong boys.

"Yes, she is lovely everyday I imagine." Viserys said to his brother in a joyful tone, humming as he watched him. Viserys was no small man, but lately as his health declined he began to hunch over in response to the pain in his shoulders. "I do believe you're to partake in the tourney? I'm sure Visenya would get a thrill seeing her father on horseback instead of dragonback." It was not uncommon for Daemon to enter himself in the tournaments, the King knew that well, and his eyes gleamed as he watched his daughters and grandchildren dance on the dance floor. Albeit he couldn't see Rila since Harwin maneuvered them deeper in the dance party, but he could Visenya and Aemond and Rhaenyra with Luke, which pleased him nonetheless.


Rila smiled at his words. "I'd hope after over a decade you'd know my weak spots, as I know yours." She murmured in response, relishing in the feel of his hands on her. When his fingers dusted her side, a shiver ran up her back at the feel and look from his eyes. He was wanton, just as she was, and she knew she'd have to think of a way to convince her father she was unwell in order to get alone time with her husband. It had been a many nights since they last tried for another child, and she wanted to try as many times as he would.

A light pink dusted over her cheeks as she listened to him, her fingers moving his hair from his face and tucking those curly bangs behind his ear. "I will tell you all of what I want tonight then, my love." She loved that he was as playful as their courting days. Harwin was a serious man in his own regards, but a jokester in every right as well. He loved to make his wife laugh and hear their children chuckle, and she loved that he did it. He was a good man to her, despite their somewhat complicated history with her sister.

When he spoke of her brother and neice, Rila seemed to sour a bit at the words. "I highly doubt it. Visenya knows no love for Aemond. I fear he'll only do to her as Aegon does to Heleana." She merely muttered the words for his ears only. "But I could see her happy with a babe, if she'll allow him one." She knew well of her niece's concern on children, but had done her best like her sister to assure her it was her duty as a wife to give her husband children. At the very least give the boy one, she had told her in letter one day. She only hoped she would, maybe it would make her little brother lighten up a bit.

"We can have as many children as you want then, dear." She smiled up at him again, knowing he would love to see her swell with a babe and how he couldn't keep his hands off her when she was. That was how Rylen was born, Harwin had bed her shortly after she gave birth to Alecor, and they conceived a second son in the process. "I can hardly wait to see where you wish to drape me over. I ache for my love tonight."

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