Chapter 39

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Visenya didn't dislike his hand on top of hers, it was a strange feeling, to have someone be attentive towards her in a way. Her violet eyes followed his fingers when he moved the strands of her from her face, trying to ignore the blush that was creeping across her cheeks. Her eyes met his eye as she gave him an eager nod. "I still wish to go," she confirmed with a bright smile. "It would be nice to get away from..." she turned her eyes to her father, and then Rhaenyra who seemed to have stiffened, trying not to glare at her husband.

She turned her attention back to the arena, watching as her father easily knocked his opponent from his horse, but in the seconds that it looked as though his opponent would hit him, her fingers squeezed Aemond's without her noticing, her face filed with worry, then relief. Visenya was expressive, different to her mother in that she didn't, and couldn't hide what she was feeling at the best of times.

When some attendants came around to top up cups and fruit, Visenya took a bowl of fruit, quite happy to snack rather than drink. She didn't enjoy the bitter taste of the red wine they served, much preferring the sweeter wines they served at dinner. She popped a grape into her mouth, offering the bowl to Aemond. She paused as she watched her cousin approach the booth, requesting her mother's favour. "My father is an idiot sometimes," she muttered more to herself.

She watched as her mother stood, giving her favour to her cousin and wishing him lush with his tournament. Visenya let out a sigh as she turned her attention to Aemond. "*Do you still not care for tourneys?" she remembered his words when they were younger, that he didn't give a shit about them.

"Aemond prefers real bloodshed, dear Visenya, as I'm sure you'll find out." Aegon quipped as he leaned forward to allow himself more wine. Visenya wrinkled her nose, seeing that he was already drunk. She knew he could barely understand the tongue that they spoke, so she muttered insults under her breath.


Harwin watched as Daemon smugly took the favor, he noticed the prince avoided anyone else's gaze, saving himself from a scolding, for now. He tried to ignore the jealousy he felt bubbling in his stomach, trying to tell himself he was annoyed for his son, which he was, and he wasn't jealous of the Rogue Prince vying for his wife's affections. He knew he had no right to be angry, considering he had sired three children with her sister.

Harwin watched as Daemon threw his competitor from his horse, listening to the crowd roar as he busied himself with Daerys – Harwin never wanted to be a petty man, but he was a man, and he knew he could feel jealousy and possessiveness for his wife. What did surprise him however was his son asking for Rhaenyra's favour. He watched at her stiff movements, having no doubts that Daemon would be in trouble with her later.

"I believe Alecor wanted to ask for your favour," he murmured to Rila quietly, knowing in the first tournament he had competed where she had been old enough to have a favor, he had asked for it confidently, much to the dismay of his father – it had put him in the King's sights, and Viserys had then started to design the match, with the help of his father. He knew his father had been keen to wed him, to hide his indiscretions by solidifying a union – he had believed the match to be a little too close to the princess, by being matched to her sister, but he could see how much he cared for Rila, and he still wanted his son to be happy.

Harwin could tell from his son's stance and his demeanor that he was annoyed, and he would bet a little upset under the surface. "Perhaps I should speak to him, I will speak to him," he resolved with a nod. "Once the tournament is done," Harwin had a good relationship with their children, and he was aware that they were aware of the parentage of his cousins – but it wasn't something they had openly spoken about. Had you lined all four of the boys up, you would have pegged them as siblings, much as when Visenya had held Daerys in her arms the night before.

"It's his first tourney, and I do not wish him to have cross words with Daemon," he told her gently, his hand rubbing her back, whilst the other held Daerys easily, his large arm keeping her close as he bounced his knee.

At the mention of Harrenhal he raised a playful eyebrow. "Once these festivities are over, and Visenya and the Prince are one, we are leaving for Harrenhal, just so I can ensure that my seed has taken to my wife's sweet cunt," he said so low and quiet that only she could hear him. Although, he was almost positive it would be impossible for her not to have been pregnant following their evening – but of course, he would do anything to take Rila as many times as he could.

He turned his attention back to the arena, holding Daerys to face it too, talking to her as though she understood the rules of the tournament. "Now, your brother is going to ride his horse, and take his joust, and he's going to knock the other competitor off his horse and send him sprawling," he explained to the wide eyed babe.

It only took a few moments for the little one to lose her attention, making to clamber over to her mother. "Ah, I see how it is," he teased the little one who seemed keen to sit in her mother's arms.

"Ma...Ma...Ma..." the babe sounded happily as Harwin's eyes widened with a groan, playfully snatching the babe back and holding her in the air, causing her to squeal in delight.

"No, no, no, you little wastrel," he teased. "You were supposed to say father, first," he huffed playfully, as he gave Rila a proud, warm look. It didn't matter that Daerys wasn't his by blood, he would always have her as his. "Now, you are distracting from your brother's big moment young lady," he grinned, passing the little one to Rila.

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