Chapter 15

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Visenya was quiet for another dance as she watched her aunt slip away with her uncle. She had always gotten along better with her aunt than her own mother, she enjoyed the relationship her aunt and uncle had, they had always made marriage look easy – but she supposed they were a love match in place of a forced arrangement.

"Hmm, you want a babe?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as she pulled away from him briefly, grabbing his hand to pull him along with her, to head towards her Grandsire. "My King," she smiled softly. "Could I borrow my cousin? Aemond and I would very much like to bond over a babe," she said sweetly, smiling when the babe was handed to her, her words clearly delighting his parents.

"Hello Daerys," Visenya cooed softly, ignoring her father staring at both her and Daerys. The little girl squealed in delight at the new attention. "I'm your cousin, Visenya, and this..." she turned to face Aemond, her eyes flicking up to watch him. "Is your Uncle Aemond," she said softly as the babe gurgled, reaching out to grab at the toggles on his tunic curiously, babbling away as she did so.

Visenya was admittedly a natural with the child, she wasn't sure if it was because the babe was kin. The little one looked between the couple in awe. "Here," Visenya said as she slowly passed the little girl to Aemond, securing his arms in the right place, making sure her sister was safe. Visenya hated the fluttering she felt in her stomach she had when she saw him holding a child, pushing back the images in her mind of him holding their could be child.

Daemon had offered a nod to Rila and Harwin. "I do hope you feel better soon, dear niece, it would be a shame for you to miss my glorious return to the tournaments," he grinned, bidding them well as he turned his attention to his brother and Daerys, and then his daughter. Daemon's gaze softened at the sight of his two daughters, the elder cooing over the younger.

"They look like a little family," Helaena commented as she watched her brother and nieces, causing Daemon to hum in agreement.


"Your niece has the stubbornness of her father, and the will of her mother, that is the problem," he jested, his eyes drinking Rila in. In truth, he had worried that she would have been betrothed to someone else, but he had been lucky, and he was grateful to Viserys for allowing him to marry his daughter, who had given him his perfect family.

"You would just like some great-nieces and nephews to fawn over," he teased her with a grin. "However, your husband can supply you with plenty of babes of your own to fawn over," he said playfully as he followed her to her father. "Thank you, my King," he nodded to Viserys, glancing at Daemon, offering him a tense smile. Harwin knew he couldn't begrudge his wife a relationship with her uncle, given his own predicament with her sister.

"Come, love, let's get you to bed," he said with mock concern, putting an arm around her as they exited the hall. "You know, if these corridors were not so busy, I would find one of our old alcoves," he grinned as he leant down to kiss the side of her head. "The advantages of you having a large family, is that there are plenty of family members to occupy our children...whilst we fill you with more children," he whispered huskily in her ear, leading her towards their chambers.

Whilst Daerys was fairly settled at night, she would wake and cry, and need to be brought to their bed – well, not need, but Harwin was soft, and would often wake and bring her to them to settle. He enjoyed being hands on, which was different from many men. He wanted his marriage to be a partnership, and that included child rearing. "At least we won't have to be quiet for these hours, and I plan on making my wife loud," he grinned at Rila, squeezing her hip.

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