Chapter 49

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Visenya stilled at Aemond's words to Jace, she knew of her brother's affections towards her. She could feel herself scarlet as Aemond called her his, trying to busy herself with calming Joffrey who had started to cry. "Shh, shh, sweet boy, it's okay, it's okay," she peppered his face with light kisses to distract him, trying to move him away from the commotion as the boy tried to ask question.

Jace hurled insults at Aemond, moving back to try and reason with Visenya, who refused to even meet his eye. Whilst the others seemed to still and separate a little when their parents arrived, worried about the wrath of their aunt. Aegon cared not as he had his fill of wine, and he enjoyed stirring the pot. "Who knows, dear nephew, you are destined to fill a different sister with a babe, hm?" he hummed, referring to Jace's betrothed. "I know my brother is keen for a child, but perhaps you'll follow in your father's footsteps and have some bastards of your own?" Aegon smirked.

That had been all it had taken for Jace to lunge forwards, ready to strangle Aegon for his insults. Visenya had turned in surprise, wide eyes at Aegon's words, cradling Joffrey to her as he sobbed, confused as to what Aegon meant. It had been some time since people had insinuated such things. It hadn't taken long for Rhaenyra to join her daughter, pulling Joffrey to her as she tried to console him, grabbing Visenya by the wrist to stop her from attempting to throttle Aegon herself for upsetting Joffrey further.

"No, no, let your father deal with it," Rheanyra warned her as she watched Daemon join them as Jace and Luke scrapped away.

Visenya watched as Daemon pulled them apart with ease, growling in warning as he motioned for Visenya to come to him, she looked unsurely at her mother who nodded as she moved to her father's side. "You two..." he hissed at Luke and Jace. "You put your sister in such a position whereby she is left consoling your little brother and you leave her unprotected again and you will face me and Dark Sister," he growled. Jace tried to argue but fell silent at Daemon's glare. "You will rid yourself of this affectionate hold you have for Visenya that they talk of immediately," Daemon snapped, feeling uneasy saying the words himself. He held Visenya at arms length to check her over.

"I'm fine, father," Visenya sighed, knowing he was checking her for marks.

"And you," he glared at Aegon. "You learn to hold your tongue, or I will take it from you," he sniped before his eyes came to rest on Aemond. "I've allowed you to have my daughter, but make no mistake nephew, if you allow her to stand in the way between you and an opponent, brother or not, I will take her from you," Daemon told him darkly as he gently pushed Visenya towards Aemond, as though he were returning her to him.

Visenya kept her violet eyes trained on the floor, refusing to look at any of them, clearly cross at what had unfolded as she stood near Aemond, her arms crossed stubbornly across her chest.


Usually Harwin would have liked to have stepped in and used it as a teaching moment, but was glad for Rila to take the lead, watching the younger ones still, worried at her tone. He had to conceal his smile as he busied himself with the babe – he did enjoy it when his wife used such a commanding tone, he would have to file that away for later as a suggestion for them in Harrenhal as something to try again.

He watched them all carefully, trying to disguise his frown when he saw his youngest son crying to his sister, watching as Visneya consoled him, and then in turn Rhaenyra. He hated seeing any child upset, whether they were his own or not. He did hate that he couldn't console the boy, as he would his own legitimate sons, but he knew the sacrifices he needed to make.

He was relieved when his own Alecor and Rylen moved back to them, he was aware that they didn't exactly enjoy their half-brothers being around, but he respected them as men for stepping in and trying to avoid conflict. "We should look to bring the boys back to their chambers, settle them a little for the evening," Harwin began before turning when Aegon spoke. He was glad he was holding Daerys, in fear he would have marched over and punched the prince for his words. Whilst he had committed his own sins, it wasn't their fault.

He looked to Rila, trying to hide his concern before hell broke loose, both brothers trying to batter Aegon – for in his opinion, good reason. But he knew the King may not see it that way. He recalled the last time there had been utterings on illegitimate children. It did pain him to know that his eldest would pine for his sister, knowing he could never have her. He was surprised that Daemon had chosen to step in, despite his usual enjoyment for theatrics and a fight.

Harwin moved to pull Rila a little closer, not wanting to watch the scene unfold, knowing being around her sister and her children could be difficult. "Daerys is fussy and will probably need a feed, my love," he said quietly as he noticed Rhaenyra watching them, ignoring the sadness he felt for the different parts of his kin. He knew the youngest didn't understand, and he didn't want to confuse him any further.

"Come, all of you," he said with a certain sharpness to his tone that said he didn't want any fussing on the matter. "Your mother is taking your sister on dragon back later, I suppose both of you can go, if you really want to," he said, trying to lighten the mood with a hint of a tease, knowing both boys would enjoy the distraction.

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