Chapter 42

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Aemond watched the pair quietly, amused at the tension between the two sisters, and somewhat bored of the whole festivity. He wasn't fond of tournaments, preferring actual one on one combat. His purple gaze watched Jace approach, and a slight frown grew on his lips as he watched Visenya move to give him her wreath.

Aegon's words made a scowl grow on his features as he listened to him. "She was always pleased to see the bastards," He reminded him as he tried to ignore the anger boiling in his blood at his next words. His purple gaze remained on the bastard boy as he looked his way, not hiding his dislike for the younger man. Aegon had a way with pushing his buttons, Aemond knew that all to well, and there was no telling what the groom would do if his anger got too uncontrollable. It had made him wish slightly that he had been in the tournament, so he could have thrown Jace from his mount.

He watched in an irritated way as the boy left the booth and took his place at the end of the divider, watched as he was almost knocked off his horse, He took a long swallow from his glass of wine, leaning forward to help himself to another cup. He wouldn't have as much as Aegon had, but maybe two would calm his rage. He didn't want to upset his wife, he knew she loved her brothers above all else, but it didn't mean he had to like them himself.


Rila had watched as Jace approached the booth, and a slight twinge of pain hit her heart. Jace, like their own sons, looked far too much like Harwin for her to be comfortable around the boy. She could not fault her nephews for being born, they had no say in the matter, but she could hold a grudge against her sister for wooing her husband to her bed. Rila and Harwin had been married a year before Jace had come into the world and Rila had told her husband often at the time, if she could have given him children sooner than her fourteenth she would have. The woman was a rare breed that had bled at her twelfth birthday, but Harwin hadn't been comfortable bedding her at such a young age, so they had waited. She often wondered if he had wanted to wait because he was having relations with Rhaenyra behind her back.

His words pulled her from her negative thoughts and she looked away from Jace and Visenya, hiding the pain she felt as she smiled at him. "I'm the only woman you can speak naughty things to," She said in a slight commanding tone, her grip tightening on his thigh slightly as she pulled her gaze away to watch their son. Daerys was playing with a strand of her hair, enamored by the same white color she had, and babbling away to herself as Rila bounced her on her knee. She smiled as Alecor knocked his opponent off his horse and clapped in response, a joyful shout of encouragement leaving her lips. She watched as Alecor looked around the arena before stopping to look proudly at his parents, offering them a small bow as he moved away again to let the next competitors compete.

Rila had, for the most part, been ignoring the green family until she felt a slight uneasy feeling when she watched Jace with Visenya. It was then she stole a glance at her half brothers, finding Aegon smiling and whispering something Aemond and Aemond looking like he was furious about something. While she didn't necessarily like her sister's sons, she wished them no harm, and Aemond meant them harm. She only wished that because they were Harwin's offspring, she couldn't see him hurt because they were. She frowned to herself, knowing Aegon was probably trying to start some sort of fight. She would have to keep a better eye on the brood as her sister's family remained at the Keep, as to try and avoid any fights for the sake of her dear niece.

She smiled as she pulled her gaze away from the pair, silently wishing the tournament was over so her and Harwin could sneak away, relishing in his words as he spoke. "You can fill me as much as you'd like, my love. I'll never deny you." Even with Daerys sleeping in their chambers at night in her crib, Rila did not deny Harwin access to her body. Whilst she enjoyed being loud, she savored the moments they shared in silence to not wake the child. She would give him as many children as he wanted, for she loved their three children to pieces and could only imagine the love she'd feel if they had more. "Perhaps he will. He's just as skilled as his Bonebreaker father." She teased him lightly, remembering their first tournament where Harwin had broken a nose and arm in a one on one fight after his joust.

The woman, for the most part, had been trying to avoid her older sister. When they were younger, they had been inseparable, but as times changed and Rila learned of Rhaenyra's relationship with Harwin, things had soured between the eldest Targaryen princesses. Rila could no longer find joy in her sister's presence, all she could think of was how the woman wooed a married man into her bed chambers without a care in the world. And it had to be her husband, the one Rila had told Rhaenyra she wanted to marry when the had met at Aegon's nameday hunt all those years ago. Rila had wondered often if Rhaenyra did it to spite her, to prove that she could have all she wanted with no consequence. Harwin's father seemed uneasy when their match had been made, but had calmed those nerves after seeing his son with his wife, but Rila had seen the way the Strong man had looked at his sister and it made her uneasy to say the least.

Her efforts to avoid Daemon would never come to pass, not with their shared child being around. Daemon had a silent swagger to him, something Rila was fond of, but she was trying to keep a distance so as to not worry her husband. She had somewhat regretted her nights with her uncle, regretted not telling Harwin about it, and didn't want to do anything more to make the situation worse. Daemon had made Rhaenyra happy for so long, she didn't want to ruin it, and yet the pettier side of her did so that Rhaenyra knew the pain she felt whenever Harwin had sought her out.

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