chapter one

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enduring the new normal

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enduring the new normal

Dread washed over Sasha's groggy face when she forced herself out of bed after the alarming going off. She shuffled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to produce a bottle. At this point like most mothers, she could do it in her sleep. Sasha returned to the bedroom and placed the bottle down on the nightstand to cross over to the crib where her one-year-old daughter began stirring awake.

"Good morning, my little bean." Sasha cooed, caressing Monet's face. She picked her up gently for her daughter to whimper and squirm. "We are not morning people, I know." She laid her on the changing table to exchange a clean diaper.

Monet nestled into the crook of her mother's neck while she picked up the iPad to bring on the bed with them. When they settled down, Sasha set up the iPad in front of them after giving Monet her bottle that she took in an instant.

"Let's see if your daddy is awake on time." Sasha kissed her daughter's head then pressed for a Facetime call.

It took only two rings for Buck to appear on screen. He greeted with his usual charming grin. "Morning, babe."

"Dada!" Monet shrieked at the sight of her father's face popping up on screen.

He chuckled, "And I couldn't forget my princess." His grin stretches from ear to ear whenever Monet calls him "dada."

"Good morning to you too. Glad you woke up on time." Sasha teased him. "How are you?"

"Great, now that I see my favorite girls." Buck tugged a sly smirk causing Sasha to blush a little. "What about you? How's your morning?" He sunk back into his pillows where his head rested against his arm.

Sasha resituated Monet on her lap. "Honestly, I just rolled out of bed and made her bottle." She let out a faint laugh.

"I miss you. The both of you."

"We miss you too, babe. I miss hearing you snore next to me at this point."

Buck scrunched his face with an offended look, "I do not snore."

Sasha playfully rolled her eyes. She glanced down at Monet before returning her boyfriend's gaze. "Have you talked to Chimney?"

Buck grimaced at the anticipated question brough up in the last few months. "Yes, but he's still on the fence about it."

"Then you're not doing your job right."

"Give Chim a little grace, babe. He's going to be a first-time dad and wants to be cautious with this pandemic going on."

She let out a frustrated sigh, "Look, I get that, but our lives will never go back to the way it was. Maddie shouldn't be going through this pregnancy alone. And I'm not trying to have myself and Monet live at my aunts' forever. As grateful to have their help specially to have a one-year-old adjust in a new environment and routine. I want to back in my home with you."

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