chapter seven

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looking forward

Sasha and Buck's apartment was occupied by Yasmin, Eddie, and the kids minus the couple themselves. They were out on a date while Yasmin stayed back babysitting Monet. On that night aired a basketball game where Eddie and Christopher accompanied the brunette to watch at the apartment. 

Yasmin laid the sleeping toddler into the crib carefully. She watched Monet stir and then blew out a sigh sleeping once more. Given a silent victory, Yasmin tip toed out of the nursery leaving the door ajar. 

She sauntered down the hallway onward to the kitchen where she heard Christopher's soft snores from the couch in passing. As she emerged into the kitchen, Eddie stood at the sink washing the dishes. 

"You don't have to do that, you know. You're a guest." Yasmin propped herself against the doorway and saw Eddie meeting her gaze. 

"A guest that was taught by their mom to clean after yourself, home or not." He sported a smug grin. 

"How adorable. Seriously, I can handle it from here. You can take Christopher and go home." She offered since he must drive back while her apartment is the next level down.

He declined, resuming to rinse the next dish. "It's okay. I'd rather stay to wait until Buck and Sasha come back than leave you here alone."

"I'm a grown woman who can take care of herself."

"You're talking to a guy who has sisters."

Yasmin stared at the reluctant brunette for a minute before a defeated sigh slipped past her lips. "Guess I'll be doing the drying then." She playfully hit Eddie smirking at her with the dishcloth.

After conversing and cleaning around the kitchen, Yasmin sought to read the unread text messages after the notification ringtone went off. Eddie caught the brunette rolling her eyes at the screen though biting a smile before typing up a response.

"Who are you texting?"

"This guy I met on a dating app." Yasmin answered, sliding the phone back into her pocket.

"Buck did mention Albert complaining about you meeting someone in the midst of all this." He remembered the conversation during their last shift. 

She scoffed, "Says the guy drooling over my baby cousin for months and hasn't asked her out." Eddie let out a chuckle in response. "Anyways, I've been on one date with this guy so far. Not sure where it'll lead to. Kind of going with the flow." She truthfully spoke. 


"The world might feel at a stop, but time is still moving. Have you tried seeing anyone?"

Eddie was taken back by the question. The idea of dating seemed to be the last priority in his life since Shannon. Although Christopher's former teacher Ana was someone who he would've potentially asked out. But he couldn't because she was his son's teacher.  More importantly, he still struggled with the loss of the mother of his son. So, he never thought about dating again. Let alone experiencing this worldwide pandemic.

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