chapter eleven

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welcome to parenthood

"That's the first time she smiled."

Chimney beamed at the pictures of his daughter now filling up his entire camera roll. He was elated showing all of them to the team on his first day back since his two-month paternity leave. Buck and Eddie surrounded him during the little show and tell.

Eddie leaned in on his seat, knitting his brows. "You sure that's a smile? That's the same face Buck makes when he's gassy."

"I will take that as a compliment cause it just means she looks like her uncle Buck."

"And we're lucky Monet looks like Sasha." He retorted.

Unbothered by the side conversation, Chimney remained mesmerized at the picture of Jee-Yun. "God, I love her so much. I don't even feel like the same person anymore. Is that weird?" He asked as Bobby joined the trio with coffees.

"What's that saying that having a kid is like walking around with your heart outside your body?"

"Okay, that's weirder and morbid."

"Just means it's a whole different kind of love." Bobby informed, passing the last two mugs to Eddie and Buck.

Eddie steered the conversation, "How's Maddie doing? First solo ship with the baby."

"Babies plural." Chimney corrected. "She's pulling double duty, Albert and Jee-Yun."

"Offer still stands, you know. He can come back to my place. Sasha and I don't mind." Buck expressed in a genuine tone.

Pleased by the gesture, Chimney waved him off. "He needs round the clock care. He can't be on his own for a whole 24 hours. With the new schedule, one of us is always home." He explained. "You already have a load on your plate with Sasha occupied with the exhibition coming up."

"You and Maddie are working opposite schedules, when do you actually see each other?" Eddie wondered.

"I haven't quite figured that out yet."

Buck was the first to notice Hen appearing at the top of the staircase. "Oh uh, she- she's coming." He whispered to them.

Chimney cleared his throat, "So, uh yeah...the doctor said Albert's physical therapy is going great."

"Welcome back!"

Hen came up to the counter with a decorative cake inside the white box she carried in.

Chimney perked up, "Hey! I was just filling them in on Albert's recovery."

His best friend scanned everyone's faces then frowned. "I am disappointed in you guys. Where's the banner? Where's the balloons? This is not how we do when somebody comes back to work." She scolded.

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