chapter eight

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three's a crowd

On occasion, Buck always pondered about the life if he and Sasha never hooked up a few years ago. Monet wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be parents. But they ran in the same circle, so there was an ounce of possibility for them to date. Yet, the relationship might be entirely different to the one they have created now. If they never established a romantic relationship or broke up, Buck would be sitting outside of this four-star restaurant under the illuminating lights with another woman that he matched with on a dating app. The possibility of it going well could be slim.

Lucky for him, he doesn't have to dwell on that life with Sasha being the woman sitting across from him at the table. Looking perfect as ever, he thought.


The corners of Buck's mouth pulled upward at his girlfriend noticing his lingering stare. He shrugged, "Just taking in the beauty I have barely seen in front of me, recently." He brought his glass of water to his lips.

She rolled her eyes but blushed. "Babe, we live together."

"Is it a terrible thing to miss my girlfriend? You've been at the studio more often than usual." Indeed, Sasha appeared to be at her studio in her free time within the last week or so. The place was a business and sanctuary, organizing small events with her aunt Ashley while collaborating with the New York artist Matthew Harris. 

Nodding shortly, Sasha clasped her hands together upon her lap. "Since you brought up the studio up, there's something I want to share with you." Her lips parted to speak further until a voice tore their attention away.


"Matthew, hey." Sasha greeted the dark-haired man strolling up to their table with a woman besides him. "You know, my boyfriend, Evan." She motioned across the table. 

"Hey man," Matthew grinned at the blond.

Buck waved, "Hey."

"Sorry, this is my date, Reyna." He introduced the couple to the woman. "Sasha owns the art studio with her aunt where I work on my projects. And we've collaborated on a few exhibitions and workshops."

Reyna's eyes lit up, facing Sasha. "Oh yes, Matthew told me all about you. I've adored your mom's work growing up."

"Reyna is a fellow artist too." Matthew informed the couple. 

"Thank you. It was a privilege to see her create what I perceived as masterpieces." Sasha humored the latter.

"I would love to discuss about them sometime." Reyna expressed, cheeks growing red out of embarrassment. 

"How about now? Unless you two don't want us to interrupt your date." Matthew opted, casting his eyes down on the couple.

Sasha turned her head at Buck for an answer. With all eyes on him, Buck forced out a smile. "Go ahead. The more the merrier." He gave them the greenlight as he watched Matthew flag a waiter to add another table and two chairs.

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