chapter five

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the spectacular family reunion

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the spectacular family reunion

"You invited mom and dad to visit?"

Buck inquired of his older sister with an incredulous look spreading on his face after she revealed the news to him. They sat in his apartment alone that morning. When Maddie texted him about coming over to talk, he least expected the discussion revolving their parents.

"Yes." Maddie grimaced.

Gradually registering the news like he did when Sasha informed him about the pregnancy with Monet, Buck responded slowly. "And you're just telling me now?"

"Well, you know, you were in Texas, and... I wasn't completely sure they were coming." She trailed off, attempting to justify her actions. She groaned internally at Sasha for refusing to be the one bringing the news instead of her.

"You're just telling me now that they have crossed the California state line, and it's too late for me to talk you out of it. Though...I'm still not sure who talked you into it."

"No one." Maddie clarified before letting out a sigh. "I guess I just...want my little girl to have a normal family. You know, uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents that she might actually know." She confessed from watching Monet be surrounded by the immense love from Sasha's family. Watching Buck and Sasha's relationship evolve to becoming parents made her heart swell though a bit envious in having a village of their own.

"Well, then maybe you shoulda gotten knocked up by a guy who has one of those."

Maddie frowned, "Well, that is not funny." She paused, enlightening the idea of their parents' visitation. "Maybe...maybe this'll be a good thing, you know? You could talk to mom and dad, tell them how you've been feeling. Could be good for your therapy, right?"

"Or cause me to need more of it." Buck retorted.

"I think I'm willing to try. And... maybe mom and dad are too." Maddie said quietly. "Wouldn't it be nice to see Monet bond with them? They haven't seen her since she was born. She and Sasha are a part of this family now."

Buck couldn't argue against his sister with that. Their parents remained at arm's length ever since Monet was born. Perhaps, it might change when they see each other in person. Because people had given him chances, he should try with his parents.

"Fine. But we're a team, okay? A united front. You are not allowed to leave me alone with them." He shot Maddie with a stern look.

Maddie nodded, "I won't, I promise. And don't worry, Chimney's gonna be there too. And Albert." She tilted her in confusion at mentioning the younger Han sibling.

"Albert's coming?"

The Buckley's siblings were interrupted by the eruption of the front door along with a pair of incoming steps to the room. Opening the baby gate, Sasha set down the energetic toddler whose little feet pattered on the floor towards her father. Buck caught his daughter nearly ramming into his legs. He greeted her with a pepper of kisses causing her to shriek.

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