chapter three

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a stir of trouble

Inside the breakroom at the call center, Maddie and Sasha were seated at the table discussing about the insane call that the brunette experienced. It involved an ex-girlfriend spying on her ex-boyfriend through the cameras of his smart house, let alone the reason she had to dispatch first responders to his home.

Sasha found herself baffled once Maddie finished the story. "They do say love makes you do crazy things." She snorted.

"I wouldn't call that love, more like obsessive behavior." The brunette knitted her brows as small giggles escaped from her lips.

"Well, the only people who are obsessed with me is your brother and our daughter which is all I need."

Amused, Maddie tilted her head at her raven-haired friend. "No stories of crazy exes?"

"Mmm...nope. All good." Sasha shook her head, stabbing her fork into her salad bowl. She took a bite before speaking up. "As much as I feel bad for that guy, I couldn't bear to live in a smart house. And for his ex-girlfriend to have access is quite terrifying."

"You tell me, having a camera in your bathroom seems a little too much." Maddie agreed and then sipped her tea. "By the way, you and my brother are coming over to help babyproof the apartment, right?"

"Of course, but I should warn you that your brother might go overboard."

Maddie laughed, "He might've gone helicopter dad because it was his kid. This time it's not."

"You forget that he might argue that he's a year ahead in parenthood. I love him but he's a control freak when given power." Sasha truthfully told.

Rolling her eyes, Maddie smiled. "I think we'll be fine, Sasha."

"Okay, didn't say I warned you."

Sasha emerged from the kitchen once hearing the happy shrieks exploding in the living room. She stifled a laugh as those shrieks belonged to her one-year-old daughter. She leaned on the open doorway where Buck crawled around the couch while Monet tried to move in a haste after her father. Unfortunately for Monet, Buck had the advantage to oversee the couch to dodge his daughter. Whenever his head peeked out to scare her, the bar of her excitement would increase encouraged to catch her father.

"Feels like I have two babies instead of one here." Sasha mused as Buck decided to end the little cat and mouse game.

He let out a big exhale, sprawling on the floor. "Whew! That was a workout."

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