chapter two

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coming home 

Officials ask if you are a resident in the area or looking for a resident...

A news anchor reported on live television where Sasha, Maddie, May, and several other colleagues watched in the conference room. When a helicopter shot of a residential area near Mount Lee shown up, the teenage girl uttered a gasp. "That's my mom's patrol car." She pointed out, gravitating the two women's attention momentarily.

Maddie arched her brow, "Are you sure?"

"I may have used the CAD to check on her before." May admitted innocently then casted her eyes upon her older cousin. "Can you try her over the radio?"

"We would usually wait for the officer to radio dispatch if they need some help." Sasha entailed though noticing the worry look in May's eyes, she sighed out. "We'll make an exception this time." Being May's first eventful day that happened to be Athena's return to the job, she couldn't deny that a piece of her was concerned for her aunt as well.

Sasha and May separated from Maddie on the floor to retreat to their station. They both placed the mics in their ear before Sasha called in. "727-L-30, what's your status?" No answer. "727-L-30, do you copy? What is your status?"

Again, no answer.

"It's probably chaos out there. You shouldn't assume the worst." Sasha tried to reassure her cousin's worries.

"She isn't even supposed to be out in the field. She's on desk duty." May reminded.

A rough sigh escaped from Sasha's lips, "You know, one of the things that I've learned coming into this job is not every day will be the same. Along with that we won't have total control what there is to come. If I can make it through the several eventful days in my few years working here, you can make it through this one. I promise." May pressed her lips together still reluctant. "I'll give you the same advice Josh gave me. We all have people we love out there. Best thing we can do for them is our job."

May stared at her older cousin silently then nodded as she watched her answer an incoming call.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Meanwhile, Buck and Chimney traveled towards the mudslide that buried residential homes to recover any survivors. They had unfortunately come across a few bodies having to black tag them along the way. As they continued to call out to anyone in the area, a wailing noise piqued Chimney's attention.

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