chapter ten

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a new door opens

"Thank you for sticking around to clean up."

Sasha expressed her gratitude to Matthew while tidying up the studio together. She stored away the newly cleaned brushes and discarded the used rags into a bin. Her life in the recent weeks continue to have her immersed in between shifts at the call center, organizing for the upcoming exhibition, creating her art, and caring for her daughter. Due to new protocols in the predicament, they live in, there were several meetings being held to assure everything is to be set and safe.

"Thought you could use another set of hands. Faster for the both of us to get home anyways." Matthew moved the stools against the wall.

"After the few meetings and working here today, my bed is calling my name."

"Good thing you work the night shift tomorrow. You could sleep in at least."

She barked out a laugh in amusement. "Until it's my turn to take care of my toddler. Mornings are much different when you have a baby." Since Monet started walking, she loved climbing on their bed and jumping on it in the mornings if she or Buck brought her into their bedroom. Then there are mornings where Monet will call out to either of her parents through the baby monitor to notify them that she is awake or restless in her crib.

"I wouldn't doubt that for a bit. I find it interesting how you and Buck can manage with your schedules and raising Monet." Matthew mused, gathering his belongings with her.

"It wasn't easy in the beginning but once you figure out a routine it eventually works. Can't forget the help we received to make it less stressful."

Turning off the lights and locking up the studio, the duo began walking into the parking lot towards their cars. Sasha glanced up at the now dark skies where a few stars and a crescent moon shining brightly.

She averted her gaze to Matthew, "By the way are you ever going to show me what you're working on?"

"I promise, I will. Doing some finishing touches. Want it to be perfect like any other artist." Matthew explained, eliciting a small grin.

"Okay, I'm holding you to that." Sasha tilted her chin, eyeing him. She decided to bid him goodbye after approaching further to her car. "Have a good night, Matt."

"You too, Sasha."

Entering inside the apartment and heading down the hallway, Sasha can overhear the mixture of voices belonging to Buck and Monet in the bathroom. Upon the sound of her daughter's squeals and splashes of water led her to believe Buck was taking the toddler a bath. Perhaps, trying to say the least. Sasha went refresh before intruding the duo's bath time.

"Seems like I missed a fun water party." Sasha humored in the doorway, discovering her boyfriend with their daughter out of the tub and wrapped in a towel.

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