chapter twenty

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Chimney closed the door to his apartment behind him when Maddie emerged from the hallway. Their exhausted eyes met one another. Being new to parenthood has been quite a journey so far-- a work in progress from conforming to caring for a new life to Maddie's post-partum depression weighing her down lately. Although, having her home and taking the steps to reach out for help lifted a little off her shoulders. 

But recent events impacted them at the news of Sasha and Monet's kidnapping. It was disheartening to bear the news for Maddie, especially for her little brother practically reliving the experience he had when Doug took her a few years back. 

"Hey, got Jee down for a nap?" Chimney removed his jacket and walked up to his girlfriend to greet for a kiss. 

Maddie nodded, "How's my brother doing?" She already talked to him earlier, but Chimney kept Buck company at his apartment. The 118 team agreed to rotate time with Buck amid the absence of his family. He wasn't the only one with Athena narrowing every little piece of Matthew's life to find a clue where her niece and granddaughter could be. She was determined to take advantage of every second furiously. 

They needed some sign for the sake of their sanity. 

Chimney exhaled a rough sigh, "Trying to keep it together as hard as he's trying to. Who can blame him because it's not only Sasha but his daughter too." He opened the door to the refrigerator to grab a water. "Now that we have Jee, I can't imagine to stomach at the thought of either you go missing." He leaned forward on the countertop. 

"Me either." Maddie frowned. "We just need to keep holding onto that hope that everything is okay. Sasha is a fighter, and I know well enough that she wouldn't let Monet be harmed. Like everyone did when it happened to me." Her eyes were glossy at thought of her friend now in her shoes. 

That's the only thing keeping Maddie going. Hope. 

She wouldn't dare to think of the worst-case scenario. Let alone the idea of her little brother losing it all.

Bobby's head perked when the front door burst open late at night. He was sitting on the couch reading to be met with his tiresome wife arriving from the precinct. Athena trudged down the steps to find herself taken back by her husband waiting for her. He silently nodded his head at the wine bottle and glass on the table he had set up. It was like he read her mind yet understood the last two days have been the toughest in this household. 

"Were you able to find any leads?"

Athena sunk into the spot besides her husband, sighing into her glass. "We've been through his accounts on social media, messages, his place but somehow found nothing. He was precise to not leave any evidence. He planned this thoroughly, Bobby." He wasn't the first obsessed stalker creating a flawless plan. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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