chapter fourteen

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life as we know it

The elevator doors chimed open for Sasha to enter the floor where she and Buck lived in the apartment complex. She examined the tiny particles of dry paint smeared on her hands that remained stubborn during the wash. She needed a shower since she figured paint got in her hair mostly the front strands while fully immersed in the painting earlier. Her feet stopped at the door and pulled out the keys to unlock the door.

Within the second she entered the living room Buck slammed the laptop shut in a swift motion. He glanced up and sported a light grin on his mouth at the arrival of his girlfriend.

"Hey, what are you two up to?"

Buck turned his head towards the television screen. "Uh Bluey." Monet diverted her attention to the animated talking dogs to her mother. The elated expression that spreads on her face whenever she sees her parents always swells their hearts.

"Mama! Mama!" Monet charged across the room to Sasha, raising her arms to be embraced.

A small laugh slipped from Sasha's lips, "Hi, my little bean." She cooed, pressing a kiss on Monet's temple as she nestled into her. "Have fun with daddy today?"

"Of course, she did." Buck strolled up to them. He lifted Sasha's chin with his finger for a kiss. "I started dinner already. Eddie said he, Ana, and Christopher will pop in like two hours." The couple scheduled a little gathering to get to know the new woman in their friend's life and spend time with the young boy who always appeared happy coming around to see them.

"Good because I need to wash off the paint on me." Sasha frowned. She placed the squirming toddler on the floor.

Buck cocked his brow, intrigued. "Do you need help with that?" He grazed her hand flirtatiously.

"Unfortunately, I doubt you can with your hands full between dinner and our energetic toddler."

The chances were slim for Sasha and Buck to dislike Ana when meeting her for the first time. Dinner went smooth sailing as both couples dived into conversation with ease. Christopher was elated to see Sasha, Buck, and Monet.

After dinner, Sasha, Ana, and the kids moved into the living room. It was clear Monet grew attached to Ana when she kept showing off her toys with the help of Christopher. Meanwhile, Buck and Eddie relocated out in the terrace sharing a beer together.

Buck could hear the distinct chatter from the kitchen before he traveled to the terrace with two beers in his hands. Eddie leaned against the wall staring out at the city's starry night. He collected the beer from his best friend who settled in a seat.

"Thanks for dinner tonight, appreciate it."

Buck shrugged his shoulders, "No problem. Think it was nice to do this especially getting to know Ana." He took a swig of his beer. "She's great. Sasha and I are happy for you, man."

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