chapter thirteen

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the hollis effect 

"So, are you still in the doghouse with Sasha?" Eddie peeked over from his meal to Buck sitting across from him. They were seated outside of the restaurant's patio that afternoon on their day off. Sitting in the middle was Monet in a highchair making a mess of her food and toys scattered on the table.

Buck finished mauling his plate, swallowing after taking a swig of his water. "Doghouse? What, no." He stated firmly then continued to assure his best friend. "I'm not sleeping on the couch and we're talking to each other."

Eddie cocked his brow, "But?" He figured there was more than what meets the eye on the topic.

"I can feel that she's grown a little distant from me." Buck's face faltered slightly. He lifted Monet out of her highchair after removing the bib she wore.

"And you two haven't talked about what happened after the event?"

"You could say it got swept under the rug." Buck exhausted a sigh. He whisked out the packet of wipes from the diaper bag to begin cleaning his daughter's face and hands. "She relied on me on the most important day in her life and I failed her. How do I even make up for that?" He felt Sasha's disappointment towards him despite how well the exhibition went that night. Tension strung along since that night where small talk merely consisted of their work schedules, groceries, deciding dinner, and Monet.

"Yeah...that's tough." Eddie remembered his absence in his marriage along with unresolved issues led Sharon to leave him.

Suddenly, Buck's face scrunched up in disgust. Eddie furrowed, "What's wrong?" He watched Buck rising from his seat while rotating Monet in his arms.

"Monet needs a change. Be right back." Buck grabbed the diaper bag with his free hand.

"I'll flag down for the bill."

As Buck began stalking off to the bathroom, Monet rested her cheek on upon her father's shoulder and looked at Eddie. She waved with her hand. "Bye bye."

Eddie grinned at the toddler, waving back. He diverted to the waitress that served their table doing her rounds. She noticed him when he brought his hand up and asked for the bill. It took about a minute for the young woman to reach his table with the check.

"Hi, how was the food?"

"Great. Thank you."

The waitress nodded then a beat passed before she spoke again. "Can I say that your little family is so cute! Especially your adorable daughter!" She gushed out.

Eddie blinked at the woman. His mouth parted as he tried to register her comment. "Uh thanks..." He slid his wallet out to pay while she left to attend another table.

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