chapter nine

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some old friends

Eddie slithered back in house a little later than he predicted after his date with Ana. Scratch that, a hot study date in his words. Within the second he locked the door and dropped the keys into the bowl, Buck popped up from behind the wall. A smug smirk already sported on his mouth at his best friend and arms crossed upon his chest.

"You're late!"

"There was construction on Sunset. Had to take a detour. Christopher already in bed?" He excused nonchalantly then asked about his son.

Buck gave him a short nod, "Oh yeah."

"You and Sasha are miracle workers." Eddie professed with gratitude. "Where is she?"

"She's knocked out on the couch with Monet." He nodded his head into the other room. "And to clarify, we're just excellent negotiators. He was willing to get ready for bed and get in the bed. We were not allowed to turn the lights off or tell him a story." He further explained the success in getting the young boy ready for bed.

Eddie sent him a pointed look. "Well, probably just as well after you told him that little thing about the kid in the rotisserie."

"That was not a story. It was a cautionary tale."

"Ah, well thanks for watching."

When Eddie began heading down the hallway to see his son, Buck rushed to stop him. "Uh, how was the uh the big date?" A question that he's been curious to ask all night upon his return.

A beat passed before a hearty grin enveloped Eddie's mouth. "It was nice. She taught me math." He said vaguely then stalked away leaving his best friend confused.

"Math? Someone's been single too long."

Buck strolled into the living room where soft snores were heard from the couch. He grinned to himself when he caught the sight of Monet cuddled on top of Sasha's chest. Monet's head snuggled in the crook of her mother's neck while a protective hand rested upon her back. His gaze switched over to his girlfriend who's been in a whirlwind at the art studio and working at the dispatch center lately. So, both of their schedules have been crazy between raising their toddler.

He moved closer to the couch and picked up Monet with caution to not awaken her. Monet wasn't reluctant to settle in her father's arms. Her small hand clutched onto his shirt and nestled into his shoulder. He lowered himself on the small space on the couch before calling his girlfriend's name in a soft tone.

Sasha groaned, fluttering her eyes open at Buck sitting in front of her. He bit out a chuckle, "Hey, there's my favorite girl."

"We both know that's a lie." She deadpanned. They both knew that she had been replaced by their daughter. She pushed herself up on the couch. "Eddie home yet?"

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